How the subsidies are calculated: COVID-19 rent and property support for businesses


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COVID-19 rent and property expense support for businesses

How the subsidies are calculated

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Use the online calculator

You can use the online calculator before you apply to calculate your amount and see which subsidy you can claim:

  • Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP) - rent amount, or
  • Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program (HHBRP) - rent amount

How much you may claim

The THRP and HHBRP provide a base rent subsidy amount and in some cases, a lockdown support top-up amount.

In each claim period, you may claim eligible expenses up to certain maximum amounts:

Maximum eligible expenses you can claim in each claim period
Maximum eligible expense CERS Ended THRP HHBRP
Per business location $75,000 $75,000 $75,000
Total for all locations
Applies to base subsidy only. There is no maximum for the lockdown support top-up
$300,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000

If you are part of an affiliated group that is applying for a rent subsidy, the maximum amounts for eligible expenses apply to the entire group.

If you must close or cease certain activities at one or more of your locations under a public health restriction for one week or longer, you may be eligible for a lockdown support top-up amount of up to 25% of eligible expenses per affected location for the days the restriction was in place in the claim period.

Calculating your rent subsidy rate

Your rent subsidy rate is based on the revenue drop you experienced between the claim period you are applying for and the corresponding prior reference period.

How the claim period revenue drop is calculated

This revenue drop is used to calculate your rent subsidy rate.

How the rent subsidy rate is calculated for the THRP

THRP rates by claim period and revenue drop
Claim period
revenue drop
Subsidy rate
22 and 23 75% and over 75%
40 to 74.99% same as claim period revenue drop
Example: 60% revenue drop = 60% subsidy rate
less than 40% 0%
24 to 26, if you are
a qualifying tourism
and hospitality entity
75% and over 75%
40 to 74.99% same as claim period revenue drop
Example: 60% revenue drop = 60% subsidy rate
less than 40% 0%
24 to 26, if you were
subject to a qualifying
public health restriction
or qualifying partial
(capacity-limiting) public health restriction
75% and over 75%
25 to 74.99% same as claim period revenue drop
Example: 30% revenue drop = 30% subsidy rate
less than 25% 0%
27 and 28 75% and over 37.5%
40 to 74.99% claim period revenue drop ÷ 2
Example: 60% revenue drop ÷ 2 = 30% subsidy rate
less than 40% 0%

How the rent subsidy rate is calculated for the HHBRP

HHBRP rates by claim period and revenue drop
Claim period
revenue drop
Subsidy rate
22 to 26 75% and over 50%
50 to 74.99% 10% + (revenue drop − 50%) × 1.6
Example: 10% + (60% revenue drop − 50%) × 1.6 = 26% subsidy rate
less than 50% 0%
27 and 28 75% and over 25%
50 to 74.99% 5% + (revenue drop − 50%) × 0.8
Example: 5% + (60% revenue drop − 50%) × 0.8 = 13% subsidy rate
less than 50% 0%

How the rent subsidy rate was calculated for the CERS Ended

CERS rates by claim period and revenue drop
Claim period
revenue drop
Subsidy rate
1 to 10 70% or more 65%
50 to 69.99% (Your revenue drop - 50%) x 1.25 + 40%
Less than 50% 0.8 x your revenue drop
11 70% or more 60%
50 to 69.99% (Your revenue drop – 50%) x 1.25 + 35%
10.01 to 49.99% (Your revenue drop – 10%) x 0.875
10% or less 0%
12 and 13 70% or more 40%
50 to 69.99% (Your revenue drop – 50%) x 0.75 + 25%
10.01 to 49.99% (Your revenue drop – 10%) x 0.625
10% or less 0%
14 70% or more 20%
50 to 69.99% (Your revenue drop – 50%) x 0.5 + 10%
10.01 to 49.99% (Your revenue drop – 10%) x 0.25
10% or less 0%

Lockdown support top-up eligibility criteria

To qualify for the lockdown support top-up, you must have:

  • at least the minimum revenue drop that is required for the claim period
  • one or more locations temporarily closed, or have activities stopped for a week or longer due to a COVID-19-related public health order
    • the minimum lockdown period can span across two different claim periods

Example – Gloria’s Gift Shop

Gloria owns a gift shop in Ontario.

Her location was closed due to a COVID-19 related public health order from May 4, 2021 to May 12, 2021 inclusive. Claim period 8 ended on May 8, 2021.

This means her location was locked down for 9 days total, but:

  • 5 days occurred in claim period 8
  • 4 days occurred in claim period 9

A public health restriction is an order that meets certain conditions. It must:

  • be based on an order or decision issued by a federal, provincial, or municipal government, or a local health authority in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • be limited in scope based on one or more factors such as:
    • geographical boundaries
    • type of business or other activity
    • risks associated with a particular location
  • result in sanctions or be an offence if you do not comply
  • requires you or your non-arm's-length tenant to stop some or all regular activities at the qualifying property for at least 7 days in a row
    • the activities that were stopped must account for at least approximately 25% of the eligible revenues earned during the prior reference period from or in connection with the affected qualifying property

An order that restricts or reduces activities but doesn’t require you to close or stop certain activities does not qualify for a lockdown support top-up.

Examples of restrictions that do not qualify for a lockdown support top-up

  • travel restrictions that reduce the number of clients
  • rules about when you can perform your regular activities, such as
  • restricted or reduced service hours or hours of operation
  • any other restrictions that do not specifically order you to stop or close an activity, such as
  • reduced seating capacity or other physical distancing strategies

You do not qualify for a lockdown support top-up if you are already restricted or closed because you failed to comply with a previous public health order or decision.

Calculating your lockdown support top-up amount

In addition to the rent subsidy rate, you may receive a lockdown support top-up for locations affected by a public health restriction. Lockdown support is calculated on a location-by-location basis.

Your lockdown support rate is 25%, calculated as:

  • 25% fixed lockdown rate
  • times days in the claim period that the location was affected by a public health restriction
  • divided by 28 (the total days in the claim period)
  • equals Your lockdown support top-up rate

Example lockdown support rate calculation

For example, if one of your business locations was affected by a public health restriction for 7 days during the 28 day period, you would be eligible to receive:

  • 25% base lockdown support top-up rate multiplied by
  • 7 days out of 28
  • for a 6.25% lockdown support rate.

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