Self-care tips for managers and their teams during COVID-19


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Self-care tips for managers and their teams during COVID-19

As a leader, you are not immune to the stress that can accompany this unprecedented time. You may be extra busy and extra vulnerable to stress since people look to you for answers and support. It is especially important for you to take care of yourself, which, in turn, helps your team and colleagues.

What you can do

Acknowledge that it’s not business as usual. The nature of what we are dealing with continues to evolve and it’s okay to not have all the answers right away.

Set realistic priorities designed with the present situation in mind. Some things are more important than others. Revisit priorities on a regular basis and make adjustments, when necessary.

Be kind and patient with yourself and your team members. Many different emotions and reactions can occur for you and your team. These are normal. Show up for your team by being empathetic and calm, and confident that together, you can get through this with proper strategies and support.

Have regular virtual meetings with your team members to stay connected and give them an opportunity to talk about things not related to work. This socialization is especially important for teams at this time.

Ground yourself or take a mindful pause before proceeding to your next task. This is a marathon not a sprint. Recognize that you may be less patient and less empathetic when rushing.

Take care of your physical and emotional health by practicing deep breathing, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, eating healthy foods, exercising, getting adequate sleep, and making time for fun. Take breaks. Practice mindfulness. Find ways to connect with friends, family, elder, and religious or spiritual leaders.

Encourage your team to care for themselves and share what you do to take care of yourself.

Remind your team that support services are available, especially if you see signs of distress or of feeling overwhelmed. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP), family physicians, and crisis lines are all good sources of support during difficult times. Know that the same resources that you would offer to your team or colleagues are also available to you.

Consult your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) EAP Coordinator-counsellor (CC) or regional External Service Provider (ESP) for advice about workplace matters and your team.

Remember that counselling is available through CRA EAP CCs and ESPs if you need support regarding personal matters.

Focus on what you have control over.

Unplug from your busy day.

Who can help / Resources

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