Calculate your subsidy amount: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)


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Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

Calculate your amount

Use the online calculator or downloadable spreadsheet before you apply to find the amount of CEWS or CRHP you can claim.

  1. In the calculator, enter your revenue and employee pay information for all of your eligible employees, even if you have more than one payroll (RP) account
  2. Calculate your amount, and, for claim periods 17 to 21, see whether the CEWS or CRHP amount is higher so you will know which subsidy to apply for
  3. Print and save the numbers you'll need to enter when you apply
  4. Apply for either the CEWS or the CRHP online through My Business Account, Represent a Client, or the Web Forms application using the information you printed

Calculate your subsidy amount

In-depth details of the calculations

How the revenue drop and subsidy rate are calculated

How the subsidy is calculated

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