Create an application document checklist
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Create an application document checklist
Once you have made the decision to set up a charity and apply for registration, create a personal checklist of all the documents you need to send with your application. The checklist will help make sure your application is not returned to you because it is incomplete. It will also include important information that may apply to your organization.
Based on your answers to the following questions, we will provide you with a personal checklist of all the documents you need to submit with your Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act. This checklist will also include important messages about activities your organization plans to carry on.
Important notice
This information is for reference only and no decision will be made based upon your answers if you choose to set up a charity and apply for registration.
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2023-11-14
Create an application document checklist
Once you have made the decision to set up a charity and apply for registration, create a personal checklist of all the documents you need to send with your application. The checklist will help make sure your application is not returned to you because it is incomplete. It will also include important information that may apply to your organization.
Based on your answers to the following questions, we will provide you with a personal checklist of all the documents you need to submit with your Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act. This checklist will also include important messages about activities your organization plans to carry on.
Important notice
This information is for reference only and no decision will be made based upon your answers if you choose to set up a charity and apply for registration.
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2023-11-14