Transcript - How to Install the UFile CVITP Software
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Transcript - How to Install the UFile CVITP Software
How to Install the UFile CVITP Software
[This video is a tutorial on how to install the UFile CVITP software on CRA laptops/computers.]
[Music: a jazzy bass line plays throughout the entire video]
[Image: Fly in of CVITP logo: colourful icons of people in a circle with text in the centre: People Helping People]
[Image: Man with beard and glasses sits at his desk in front of the computer. Shelves in the background]
Narrator: Hi, I’m Mike, and I’m a volunteer with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). I’ve been volunteering for a few years now and, every year, I look forward to helping people in my community get their benefits and credits.
If you’re new to the program, you may find this demo helpful.
As a volunteer, one of the first things you’ll need to do is install the UFile CVITP software on your computer.
[Image: Logo of UFile tax software appears on screen: half maple leaf on red background attached to black UFile letters.]
Narrator: UFile allows you to prepare and submit a tax return directly to the CRA and Revenu Quebec electronically.
[Image: Logo of CRA and Revenu Quebec appear on screen.]
Narrator: Now, let’s take a look at how to install UFile on your computer.
First, you’ll need to go to
[Image: Web address displaying in the web browser.]
Narrator: To download the latest version of UFile, click on the current tax year.
[Image: UFile CVITP main page appears on screen. Cursor hovers over current tax year. Pop-up displaying text: For the purpose of this demo, we will use the 2017 version.]
The file will be saved to your computer. This may take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
[Image: Blue circle motion around the UFile icon in bottom left-hand corner of the screen indicates downloading the UFile 2017 version. Cursor on Open.]
Narrator: Once downloaded, click on the file.
[Image: User Account Control window appears on screen. Cursor moves to Yes button.]
Narrator: A User Account Control window may open. If it does, click “Yes” to the question, “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”
[Image: Zip Self-Extractor pop-up appears on screen. Blue strip motion indicates the progress of the file extraction.]
Narrator: The file will then be extracted, and the UFile Installation Wizard will guide you through the installation process.
[Image: Welcome window appears on screen.]
Narrator: In the Installation Wizard window, click “Next” to begin.
A new window will open.
[Image: Licence Agreement window appears on screen. Yellow square outline flashes around “Please read the following licence agreement carefully”]
Narrator: Check the box beside the statement: “I accept the terms of the license agreement”. Then, click “Next.”
[Image: Cursor checks the box and then moves to the Next button.]
Narrator: Choose the destination folder where you’d like the software to be installed on your computer. Usually, it’s the C: drive. Then, click “Next.”
[Image: Destination Folder window appears on screen. Cursor clicks on the Next button and then on Install.]
Narrator: You can now begin the UFile installation by clicking “Install”. This may take a few minutes.
[Image: Setup Progress window appears on screen. Blue strip motion indicates the installation progress. Complete window appears on screen. Green circle around statement: “Yes, I want to launch UFile now”.]
Narrator: Once the installation is complete, make sure the first box next to the statement “Yes, I want to launch UFile now” is checked. Then, click “Finish.”
An Activate UFile License window will open. Enter the 16-digit activation key that you received from your organization or CRA coordinator.
[Image: Four Xs appear in each of the four boxes of the Activate UFile Licence window to simulate entering the activation key.]
Narrator: Once you have entered your activation key, click on “Activate Key.”
The Installation Wizard will then prompt you to register your new copy of UFile to receive free updates for the current tax year.
[Image: Please register your new copy of UFile 2017 window appears on screen. Yellow square outline flashing around “Read the licence agreement”. Blue checkmarks appear beside the statements regarding the terms and conditions and the receiving of important information.]
Narrator: Enter the information as required. Next, check “I agree with the Terms and Conditions of the license agreement” and, if you’d like, “I wish to receive important information by email regarding UFile.”
Once complete, click on “Register by Internet.”
[Image: UFile Start page opens. Cursor moves to Settings in the top right-hand corner. EFILE-NetFile setup is selected from the menu. The EFILE-NetFile setup window appears on screen.]
Narrator: Next, you’ll need to fill out the information on the EFILE-NetFile setup screen. You will see that a few things are already pre-populated.
[Image: Blue square outline flashes around “In what capacity are you preparing tax returns?” and “EFILE Online; EOL is for professionals and CVITP tax preparers only”.]
Narrator: At the top of the screen, make sure that “Volunteer with the CVITP” is the response to the question “In what capacity are you preparing tax returns?” and that the “Electronic filing method” is set for “EFILE Online (EOL).” This guarantees that you are using the UFile CVITP software. Make sure that all of the required fields are completed correctly. Click on “Save” to complete the setup.
Narrator: If you share your computer with other volunteers, you should always make sure that your information is entered correctly before completing tax returns.
[Image: At the bottom of the EFILE-NetFile setup window, yellow square outline flashes around “Reset Data”.]
Narrator: When you’re done using the computer, remember to remove your EFILE number and password from the software by clicking “Reset Data” and then “Save.”
[Image: Pop-up window opens with text “UFile will now restart to apply your new EFILE-NetFile settings. Please save your file if prompted”.]
Narrator: You may also access the EFILE-NetFile setup by selecting the Settings menu by clicking on the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the software screen.
[Image: Yellow square outline flashes around the gear icon in the right-hand corner of the screen.]
Narrator: Before filing tax returns, make sure that the latest updates to UFile are installed on your computer by confirming that the box beside “Check for updates automatically” is checked, and your computer is connected to the Internet.
[Image: Update your copy of UFile 2017 window appears. Yellow square outline flashes around “Check for updates automatically”.]
Now you’re all set to start completing tax returns! Just click “Start on a new tax file.”
[Image: UFile Start page appears. Cursor clicks on Start. Interview page opens. Man appears on screen.]
Narrator: I hope this demo was useful.
Thank you for joining the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program!
[Image: CVITP logo fly in. Underneath, displaying on screen, Canadian flag icons and text: Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, Agence du Revenu du Canada]
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2019-07-08