Before you start


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Before you start

Before you start, we recommend that you complete the following steps:

How do you file your return?

Once you have completed these steps, call the toll-free telephone number using a touch-tone phone, and enter your return information when prompted by the automated messages. When you successfully file your return, you will be given a six-digit confirmation number for your records.

Access code

To use GST/HST TELEFILE, you will need the four-digit access code. Your access code will be the same for all future returns. You can change your access code to a number of your choice by using GST/HST Access Code Online.

If you have never received an access code, call us at 1-800-959-5525 and we will give you one. If you are calling from outside Canada and the United States, call us collect at 613-940-8497.

Joint filers

If you are the coordinator of a closely related group of corporations (i.e. you have filed election GST303) and you file returns electronically, you must still send your letter of direction to your tax centre.

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