ARCHIVED - Residency information for tax administration agreements


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ARCHIVED - Residency information for tax administration agreements

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The Government of Canada and the Tłįchǫ Government have concluded a personal income tax administration agreement that provides that the Government of Canada will share the field of personal income tax with the Tłįchǫ Government. It also provides for the co-ordination of the Tłįchǫ Income Tax Law with the federal Income Tax Act.

All individuals, including non-Tłįchǫ citizens, who reside on Tłįchǫ lands or in the Tłįchǫ communities of Behchokǫ̀ (Rae-Edzo), Whatì (Lac La Martre), Gamètì (Rae Lakes), or Wekweètì (Snare Lake) are required to identify themselves by ticking “Yes” in the “Residency information for tax administration agreements” box on page 1 of the Northwest Territories 2012 income tax and benefit return.

Individuals, including Tłįchǫ citizens, who do not reside on Tłįchǫ lands or in a Tłįchǫ community should tick “No” in the “Residency information for tax administration agreements” box on page 1 of the Northwest Territories 2012 income tax and benefit return.

The Canada Revenue Agency will use this information to administer the personal income tax administration agreement with the Tłįchǫ Government.

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