Line 8860 – Professional fees (includes legal and accounting fees)


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Line 8860 – Professional fees (includes legal and accounting fees)

Deduct the fees you incurred for external professional advice or services, including consulting fees.

You can deduct accounting and legal fees you incur to get advice and help with keeping your records. You can also deduct fees you incur for preparing and filing your income tax and GST/HST returns.

You can deduct accounting or legal fees you paid to have an objection or appeal prepared against an assessment for income tax, Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan contributions, or employment insurance (EI) premiums. However, the full amount of these deductible fees must first be reduced by any reimbursement of these fees that you have received. Enter the difference on line 23200, Other deductions,Footnote 1 of your income tax return.

If you received a reimbursement in the tax year, for the types of fees that you deducted in a previous year, report the amount you received on line 13000, Other income,Footnote 2 of your income tax return.

You cannot deduct legal and other fees you incur to buy a capital property, such as a boat or fishing material. Instead, add these fees to the cost of the property.

For more information on capital property, go to Claiming capital cost allowance (CCA).


Footnote 1

Line 23200 was line 232 before tax year 2019.

Return to footnote1 referrer

Footnote 2

Line 13000 was line 130 before tax year 2019.

Return to footnote2 referrer

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