(in thousands of dollars)
Administration of corporate tax for the Province of Ontario
Transfer from Public Works and Government Services Canada for increased accommodation and real property services charges
Collective Agreements - Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
Payments to provinces under the Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006
Carry Forward from 2007-2008
Severance Pay, Parental Benefits and Vacation Credits
Respendable Revenue adjustment primarily for information technology services provided to CBSA
Initiatives such as the Functional Currency Tax Reporting and Tax Free Savings Account arising
from 2007 and 2008 Federal Budgets
Government advertising programs
Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program (2007 and 2008)
Economic Increase for the EC group (salaries)
Severance Pay, Parental Benefits and Vacation Credits (2007)
Economic Increase for the HR group (salaries)
Transfer from Public Health Agency for the advertising campaign on the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit
Payments under the Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act
Fee Increase for Crown Agents - Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Adjustments to Revenues Credited to Vote 1
Wage Earner Protection Program
Transfer from Human Resources and Skills Development for registered plans information exchange
Year-end adjustment to employee benefit plans contributions
Reduced payments to private collection agencies
Year-end adjustments - Children’s Special Allowance Payments
Adjustment to costs recovered from the Canada Pension Plan / Employment Insurance Accounts
Transfer to TBS for the continuing implementation of the Public Service Modernization Act
Transfer to Public Service Human Resources Management Agency to support National Managers’ Community
Total Authorities at year-end