New Brunswick


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New Brunswick

What's new for 2016?

Form NB428, New Brunswick Tax and Credits, is used to calculate your provincial tax.

Form NB(S12), New Brunswick Seniors' Home Renovation Tax Credit, is used to calculate your New Brunswick seniors' home renovation tax credit

New Brunswick tax and credits (NB428)

Tax rates for 2016

  • 9.68% on the first $40,492 of taxable income, +
  • 14.82% on the portion of taxable income more than $40,492 but not more than $80,985, +
  • 16.52% on the portion of taxable income more than $80,985 but not more than $131,664, +
  • 17.84% on the portion of taxable income more than $131,664 but not more than $150,000, +
  • 20.3% on taxable income over $150,000.

Non-refundable tax credits, credits and reduction

New Brunswick offers the following credits and tax reductions which further reduce your amount of provincial tax payable:

New Brunswick seniors' home renovation tax credit

New Brunswick offers the New Brunswick seniors' home renovation tax credit, which is a refundable credit. Complete Schedule NB(S12) and enter the result on line 479 of your return.

For more information

If you have any questions about your income tax return, go to Individuals and families or call 1-800-959-8281.

To get forms, go to Forms and publications.

Forms and publications

Related topics

Provincial and territorial government partners

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