Appendix C: Report on Targets 2007-2010 - Performance Report on Sustainable Development April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009


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Performance Report on Sustainable Development April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009

Appendix C: Report on Targets 2007-2010

Goal 1: "Reduce the effects of our operations on land, air, and water"

Targets and performance measures 2008-2009 Results
Target 1.1.1: The CRA will expand its waste management program by diverting solid waste from landfill by an average of 70%, in priority facilities that represent approximately 75% of CRA employees (FTE) by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 3 activities in 2008-2009)

Measure: Average diversion rates that include reduction and reuse totals at participating facilities.

Data availability: March 31, 2010

The No Waste program was implemented/ formalized in an 18 of the 20 priority/ selected CRA facilities. As of March 31, 2009 about 84% of CRA employees had access to the program. In 2009-2010, we will implement the program in the remaining 2 facilities and conduct audits to determine solid waste diversion rates.

Status: One activity complete; two in progress.

Target 1.1.2: Expand the green procurement program to achieve the following results: By March 31, 2009, green products account for 15% of total product spending
(Supported by 4 activities in 2008-2009)

Measure: Annual percentage of green products purchased by dollar value compared to annual total dollar value spent on products.

Data availability: Annual

The percentage of green product purchases via WBRO/Synergy in 2008-2009 was 27.5%, down slightly from 27.7% in 2007-2008. The total dollar value spent on products purchased by the CRA in 2008-2009 was $285.1 million, of which $17.8 million or 6.2% was green.

Status: Two activities complete; two in progress.

Target 1.1.3: By March 31, 2010, reduce the paper burden by simplifying internal processes and leveraging information technology, resulting in a reduction of multi-purpose office paper by 22% per employee (FTE), based on the baseline year 2004-2005.
(Supported by 0 activities in 2008-2009)

Measure: Percentage reduction in multi-purpose office paper purchased per employee [Footnote 10] (FTE).

Data availability: Annual
Paper use per employee fell by 5.9% or 336 sheets per employee vis-à-vis 2007-2008. Multi-purpose office paper use was 5,385 sheets per FTE in 2008-2009 compared to 5,721 sheets in the previous year. This represents a decline of 26% vis-à-vis the 2004-2005 baseline year.

Status: All activities completed.

Target 1.1.4: The CRA processes approximately 97,000 employee travel claims per year. The CRA will implement sustainable business travel practices to increase efficiency and reduce emissions (GHG) from employee business travel, by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 2 activities in 2008-2009)

Measure (s):

  1. Percentage emissions reduction from business travel;
  2. Percentage increase in use of modes of sustainable business travel.

Data availability: March 31, 2010

Data is being analyzed to establish a business travel baseline for the CRA. Results will be available in 2009-2010.

Status: Two activities in progress.

Target 1.1.5: Contribute to cleaner air by reducing by 15%, from 2004-2005 levels, emissions (GHG) per kilometer traveled by CRA fleet, by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 2 activities in 2008-2009)

Measure: Annual average emissions (GHG) per kilometer traveled by CRA fleet.

Data availability: Annual

The 2008-2009 fuel consumption breakdown for the CRA was as follows:
Gasoline: 130,655 litres; Diesel: 31,610 litres; Propane: 0 litres; CNG: 0 litres; E10: 9,073 litres; E85: included in E10 statistics.

The CRA fleet of 94 vehicles traveled 1,149,613 km (an average of 12,230 km/vehicle). This generated 431 tonnes of GHGs, or 0.000375 tonnes of GHGs per kilometre traveled, down from 0.000390 tonnes of GHGs per kilometre traveled in 2007-2008.

Status: Two activities completed.

Target 1.1.6: The CRA will implement energy reduction programs at priority CRA facilities, by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 2 activities in 2008-2009)


  1. Number of priority facilities with energy reduction initiatives;
  2. Energy reduction targets and measurement system in place for each priority facility.

Data availability: Annual (beginning in 2010-2011)

Six priority facilities were selected to conduct energy inventories in order to create energy baselines. Five of the six planned inventories were conducted, with the remaining inventory scheduled for completion in 2009-2010. Data from the completed inventories is being analyzed, and the energy baselines will be established in the next period.

Status: Two activities in progress.

Target 1.2.1: Reduce the use and prevent the release of hazardous materials, including halocarbons, into the environment by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 2 activities in 2008-2009)


  1. Percentage of targeted hazardous materials groups with management guidelines;
  2. Number and amount of releases of halocarbons.

Data availability: Annual

1) The measure for the percentage of targeted hazardous materials groups with management guidelines will be reviewed and adjusted in 2009-2010 to reflect the availability of information.

2) No halocarbon releases were reported in 2008-2009.

Status: One activity complete; one in progress.

Goal 2: "Demonstrate sustainable service delivery of tax and benefit programs"

Targets and measures 2008-2009 Results

Target 2.1.1: By March 31, 2010, continue to simplify the tax filing process by increasing electronic services, and reducing the paper burden on individuals, businesses, and charities.
(Supported by 4 activities)


  1. Percentage increase in publications available in e-format;
  2. New e-services available in 'My account';
  3. New e-services available in 'My business account';
  4. Increased take-up rate of individual and business returns filed electronically;
  5. Estimated reduction in paper use due to new e-service initiatives.

Data availability: Annual

1) There was a 22% decrease in the number of Agency Registered Publications available in electronic format. This translated into 2,309 or 74% of registered CRA publications. During the same period, there was also a decline of 12% in the total number of publications available from the CRA.

2) There were six new enhancements made to the My Account portal, including an improved payment setup for instalments, a new display for the Working Income Tax Benefit (for form RC210), a new common look and feel in line with all Government of Canada web services, the ability for users to view their NETFILE Access Code, a modified application for "Change My Return," and a "Manage my security options" link on the My Account homepage to help users manage the increasing number of security settings.

3) There were nine new self-serve options made to the My Business Account portal. These were:
- view and manage banking information
- view and manage business operating names
- new electronic accounting data transfer capabilities
- file GST/HST returns
- view the status of GST returns
- view Payroll account transactions
- view Payroll account remitting requirements
- transfer payment features for the Corporate Income Tax/ GST/HST/ other levies accounts
- future balance calculator for Corporate Income Tax/ GST/HST/ other levies accounts.

4) The electronic take-up for individual (T1) tax filing (excluding TELEFILE) increased by 3% to 53% in 2008-2009 [Footnote 11].

The electronic take-up for corporate (T2) tax filing increased by 4% to 22% in 2008-2009.

5) The reduction in paper use resulting from the electronic filing of individual tax returns for 2008 was 564 million sheets of paper, an increase in paper savings of 8% over 2007.

Status: All activities are ongoing.

Target 2.2.1: When engaging in partnerships with other government departments and organizations to pursue our business objectives of administering tax and benefit programs and protecting Canada's revenue base, we will pursue efficient and environmentally responsible service delivery, and economic prosperity and access to social services for broader segments of society by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 3 activities in 2008-2009)


  1. Percentage of negotiations, discussions, and decision-making with partners that applied sustainability criteria;
  2. Efficiencies gained by implementing the Service Delivery Strategy (available March 2010);
  3. Type of efficiencies the CRA offers to clients and partners in its service delivery;
  4. Total number of returns and total number of electronic returns completed by Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) volunteers.

Data availability: Annual (except where indicated)

1) Of the 23 MOUs and LOIs issued in 2008-2009, 16 had SD provision (about 70%).

2) The service delivery strategy will be implemented in 2010 - data will be available then.

3) In 2008-2009, the processing time for paper filed individual T1income tax returns was 4.0 weeks compared to 4.1 weeks in 2007-2008; while the processing time for electronically filed T1 income tax returns was 1.6 weeks compared to 1.7 weeks in 2007-2008.

4) In 2008-2009, a total of 482,800 returns were completed under the CVITP, of which approximately 59% were filed electronically.

Status: Three activities completed.

Target 2.3.1: Communicate the CRA's commitment to sustainable development to Canadians and achieve a minimum 45% of the public surveyed that perceive the CRA to be committed to sustainable development, by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 1 activity in 2008-2009)

Measure(s): Percentage of public who perceive the CRA as being committed to SD.

Data availability: March 31, 2010

Based on the 2006 survey on public perception of the CRA, 51% of Canadians perceive the CRA as committed to SD. The next survey will be conducted in 2009-2010.

Status: One activity completed.

Goal 3: "All employees apply sustainable development in their jobs"

Targets and measures 2008-2009 Results

Target 3.1.1: By March 2010, CRA leaders will demonstrate their support for SD in the workplace by committing to SD responsibilities in their performance agreements: 90% of EC (Executive Cadre); 90% of MGs (Management Group)
(Supported by 2 activities in 2008-2009)


  1. Percentage of EC performance agreements that include an SD clause;
  2. Percentage of MG performance agreements that include an SD clause;
  3. Percentage of annual branch/regional SD Action Plan commitments completed.

Data availability: Annual

  1. A total of 97% of ECs included SD in their performance agreements.
  1. A total of 71% of MGs included SD in their performance agreements.
  1. A total of 78% of branch SD activities and 91% of regional SD activities were completed.

Status: Two activities completed.

Target 3.2.1: By March 31, 2010, we will educate our large workforce to achieve 95% of employees who indicate they have some awareness of CRA's effort to reduce its environmental footprint and demonstrate sustainable service delivery.
(Supported by 3 activities in 2008-2009)

Measure(s): Percentage of employees who are aware of the CRA SD program.

Data availability: Every three years

The results of the 2007 SD awareness survey showed that 89% of CRA employees are aware of SD at the CRA [Footnote 12] vis-a-via 72% of employees in 2004.

Status: One activity completed; two in progress.

Target 3.2.2: Contribute to cleaner air and employee well-being by developing and implementing an employee commuting program at priority facilities in major urban areas by March 31, 2010.
(Supported by 4 activities)


  1. Number of priority facilities where the employee commuting initiatives were implemented;
  2. Percentage reduction in emissions (GHG) and/or percentage increase in sustainable modes of travel.

Data availability: March 31, 2010

1) Five facilities were selected to implement employee commuting initiatives.

2) Statistics for the reduction in GHG emissions and increases in sustainable commuting modes will be available in 2010.

Status: Three activities in progress.

Goal 4: "Use modern systems that support and maintain sustainable development"

Targets and measures 2008-2009 Results

Target 4.1.1: By March 31, 2010, enable SD to be integrated into the core business of the CRA by strengthening the SD framework: SD Network, SD Champions, Environmental Management System (EMS), and SD planning, reporting, and data management systems.
(Supported by 3 activities in 2008-2009)


  1. SD Network's level of satisfaction with the services provided by the SD Division (annual);
  2. New data management system for the SD Strategy and renewal of national PR Tool (2008-2009);
  3. Percentage complete and results of annual EMS targets (annual);
  4. Number of elements implemented from the performance measurement strategy for SD (annual);
  5. Renewed three-year commitment from SD Champions;
  6. Favourable review of the SD Strategy by the CESD (annual).

Data availability: Annual (except where indicated)

1) There was an 82% satisfaction rating from the SD Network with the services of the SD Division.

2) The updated performance reporting (PR) tool was released in 2008-2009.

3) A total of 71% of EMP targets were met. See Appendix D for details.

4) There are eight performance reporting requirements to be implemented under the 2007-2010 SD Strategy's results-based management accountability framework (RMAF). We implemented the six requirements (quarterly and annual reporting) that were due in 2008-2009. The remaining two (i.e., evaluations) will be conducted in 2009-2010.

5) The three-year commitment from SD Champions was renewed in 2007-2008.

6) In 2008-2009, there was no review of CRA SD Strategy by the CESD.

Status: Two activities complete; one in progress.

Target 4.2.1: By March 31, 2010, develop an SD Report Card (economic, social and environmental indicators) that will demonstrate the CRA's contribution to and progress towards sustainable development.
(Supported by 2 activities in 2008-2009)


  1. Economic, social, and environmental indicators for the CRA;
  2. The SD Report Card published in the CRA Annual Report.

Data availability: Annual (after initial publication)

1) The 2008-2009 CRA Annual Report contained performance indicators from the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of SD. Progress towards the development of a comprehensive SD Report Card will continue in 2009-2010.

2) The form, content and release of an SD Report Card for the CRA are pending further Agency consultations.

Status: Two activities in progress.


[Footnote 10]
Paper purchase is used as a proxy for paper use.

[Footnote 11]
For 2007-2008, the figures should have stated that the electronic take-up for individual (T1) tax filing (excluding TELEFILE) increased by 2% to 51%.

[Footnote 12]
The survey was sent to 7,451 CRA employees; branches and regions were proportionally represented. The response rate was 47% - 3,527 employees completed the survey.

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