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What's new for 2016?

Form ON428, Ontario Tax, is used to calculate your provincial tax.

Form ON479, Ontario Credits, is used to calculate your refundable credits.

Form ON-BEN, Application for the 2017 Ontario trillium benefit and Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant, is used to apply for the Ontario energy and property tax credit, the Northern Ontario energy credit, and the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant.

Ontario tax (ON428)

Tax rates for 2016

  • 5.05% on the first $41,536 of taxable income, +
  • 9.15% on the portion of taxable income more than $41,536 but not more than $83,075, +
  • 11.16% on the portion of taxable income more than $83,075 but not more than $150,000, +
  • 12.16% on the portion of taxable income more than $150,000 but not more than $220,000, +
  • 13.16% on taxable income over $220,000.

Ontario health premium

Non-refundable tax credits, credits and reduction

Ontario offers the following credits and tax reductions which further reduce your amount of provincial tax payable.

Ontario credits (ON479)

Ontario offers the following credits:

Application for the 2017 Ontario Trillium Benefit and Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant (ON-BEN)

Ontario offers the following credits and grant:

To estimate payments to which you may be entitled, you can use our calculators:

For more information

If you have questions about your income tax return, go to Individuals and families or call 1-800-959-8281.

To get forms, go to Forms and publications.

If you have specific policy or program-related questions about Ontario tax and credits, go to Ontario Ministry of Finance, or contact the Ontario Ministry of Revenue at 1-866-ONT-TAXS (1-866-668-8297), or by teletypewriter (TTY) at 1-800-263-7776.

Forms and publications

Related topics

Provincial and territorial government partners

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