Section 201

See Also

BH Parkway Place Ltd. v. The Queen, 2019 TCC 7 (Informal Procedure)

The appellant (“BH Parkway”) purchased an SUV (Mercedez Benz ML 350), for $73,057.60 including taxes. D'Auray J accepted (at para. 44) the...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Excise Tax Act - Section 182 - Subsection 182(1) a statutory penalty received by a landlord from a defaulted tenant was not subject to s. 182, which applied on prorated basis 225
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 248 - Subsection 248(1) - Automobile - Paragraph (e) - Subparagraph (e)(ii) a Mercedes SUV used in transporting goods was not an automobile 107

Scarlet Nelson/ Larry Nelson v. The Queen, 2011 TCC 223 (Informal Procedure)

The registrant acquired a passenger vehicle for $50,000, whose capital cost to the registrant for GST purposes was limited to $30,000, pursuant to...

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