Regulation 2800 - Elections in Respect of Accumulating Incomes of Trusts

Subsection 2800(1)

See Also

Muzich Family Trust v. MNR, 93 DTC 314, [1993] 1 CTC 2330 (TCC)

A purported preferred beneficiary election that was filed nine days after the deadline in Regulation 2800(2), that was not signed by any trustee...

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Administrative Policy

90 C.R. - Q27

When the preferred beneficiaries is a minor, RC accepts a preferred beneficiary election that is signed on behalf of the minor by the legal...

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84 C.R. - Q.31

Where the taxpayer is an infant, the appropriate signature will be that of the person who can legally bind the infant.

84 C.R. - Q.32

Where the preferred beneficiary is a Quebec minor for whom no tutor has been appointed, a trustee who is legally empowered to do so may file the...

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81 C.R. - Q.2

A preferred beneficiary election will not be accepted in the situation where the trust does not provide the legal authority to actually vest such...

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Subsection 2800(2)

Administrative Policy

87 C.R. - Q.86

The election need not accompany a T3 return, and is valid even though the T3 return is late-filed.

Subsection 2800(3)

Administrative Policy


Respecting a situation in which the beneficiaries of a trust established by a father were the grandchildren, children and the mother, and income...

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16 June 1992 External T.I. 5-920008

The number to be used in a calculation under s. 2800(3)(f) would include any preferred beneficiary alive at the end of the taxation year including...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 75 - Subsection 75(2) 23

28 November 1990 T.I. (Tax Window, Prelim. No. 3, p. 10, ΒΆ1111)

In a discretionary trust in which a son of the settlor is the capital beneficiary and four grandchildren are income beneficiaries, any income not...

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