Section 295

Subsection 295(5)

Administrative Policy

GST/HST Audit and Examination Manual, 9 – Taxpayer Rights and Taxpayer Relief – “ The right to privacy and confidentiality

Informal request in lieu of ATIP request

When an access to information and privacy (ATIP) request is received, the Access to Information and...

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Subsection 295(5.01)

Administrative Policy

26 February 2015 CBA Roundtable, Q. 1

When will CRA provide confidential information to the police? CRA indicated that:

… [N]o information will be released to the police or other...

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Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - Section 241 - Subsection 241(9.5) release of information to police must first be approved by the CPB Assistant Commissioner 146

Subsection 295(6)


AUT-01 Authorize a Representative for Offline Access

Use this form to authorize a representative to communicate on your behalf with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) using only offline access (for...

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