A partner loan works in Alberta

CRA has partially acknowledged common law that a partner cannot receive payments from the partnership qua contractor rather than partner (ITTN 30, citing Crestglen), although it also is prepared to recognize that this can be overriden by applicable provincial statutes (see 2001-0103605 F, 2001-0095675 (re s. 12(2) of Ontario LPA), and ITTN 30, fn. 9 (citing inter alia s. 60 of Alberta and Saskatchewan Partnership Acts).

Skingle and Jankovic suggest that s. 10(1) of the Law of Property Act (Alberta) overrides this common law where there is a partner loan (or other property transfer such as a lease).

Similar statutes in other provinces may be less helpful.  In Rye, the House of Lords found that a provision essentially the same as s. 41 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Act (Ontario) did not validate a purported lease of property by partners to their partnership.

Neal Armstrong.  Summary of Ken S. Skingle and V. Daniel Jankovic, "Can a Partner Enter into a Contract with a Partnership of Which the Partner Is a Member?", Tax for the Owner-Manager, Volume 13, Number 4, October 2013, p. 8 under s. 96(1)(g).