Rejected individual records or returns


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Rejected individual records or returns

Important notice

Since January 2012, the status message "N/A - THIS RECORD IS IN REFERRED STATUS. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED AT THIS TIME" has been displaying next to any contract number on the issuer’s rejected record list to advise the issuer that the record for that particular contract has been "referred" to our TFSA Processing Unit for further review and has not yet been accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Effective as of January 2017, the status message displayed will be changed to include the applicable error code: THIS RECORD IS IN REFERRED STATUS. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED AT THIS TIME. ERROR CODE XXX, XXX, XXX. We made this change as a result of feedback received from the industry. A record in referred status for this contract and reporting year will not prevent you from sending in amended records to resolve any existing current or prior year errors.

If any information does not conform to our schema, including negative amounts, will cause the TFSA annual information return or the individual record to be rejected. Here you will find information on what can cause a return or record to reject and how to retrieve and resubmit a rejected record.

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