Filing methods


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Filing methods

Electronic filing methods

Internet filing will be available starting January 9, 2017.

You must file information returns by Internet if you file more than 50 information returns (slips) for a calendar year.

Filing by Web Forms

Our Web Forms application is free and secure. To use it, all you need is access to the Internet. With Web Forms you can fill out an information return easily, following the step-by-step instructions.

Web Forms lets you:

  • file up to 100 slips (original, additional, amended, or cancelled) from our website;
  • calculate all of the totals for the summary;
  • create an electronic information return containing slips and a summary, which you can save and import at a later date;
  • print all your slips and your summary; and
  • validate data in real time.

After you submit your information return, you will receive a confirmation number that will be your proof that we received it.

To use the Web Forms application, you must have a web access code. If you do not have a web access code, you can easily get one online or by calling us.

To start using this application or to get more information about Web Forms, go to Web Forms.

Filing by Internet file transfer (XML)

Internet file transfer allows you to transmit an original or amended return with a maximum file size of 150 MB. All you need is a web browser to connect to the Internet, and your software will create, print, and save your electronic information return in XML format.

If you use commercial or in house-developed payroll software to manage your business, you can file up to 150 MB, by Internet file transfer. For example, a service bureau can file multiple returns in one submission, as long as the total submission does not exceed the 150 MB restriction.


If your return is more than 150 MB, you can either compress your return or you can divide it so that each submission is no more than 150 MB.

For more information, contact your software provider or go to Filing Information Returns Electronically (T4/T5 and other types of returns).

Web access code

To file your return over the Internet using the Internet file transfer or Web Forms services, you will need a business number and its associated WAC, unless you are filing through My Business Account or Represent a Client. For more information about these services, see Filing without a web access code. The CRA is no longer mailing WAC letters. As a result, you can use the WAC that was issued for the 2012 tax year to file your information returns. If you have misplaced or do not have a WAC, go to What is a Web access code? to access our web access code online service. If you cannot get your WAC online or would like to change it, call the Services Helpdesk at 1-800-959-5525.

Filing without a web access code

You can file your T4A-NR information return without a web access code by selecting the “File a return” option through:

If you are already registered for our online services, you can log in using your CRA user ID and password or the Sign‑In Partner option.

To register as a business owner, you will need to enter information from your current or previous year’s income tax and benefit return. You should receive your CRA security code within 5 to 10 days. We will mail it to the address on file for you. The separate mailing of the security code helps to protect you from identity theft and to keep your personal information secure. Have your business number on hand when you register.

To register as a representative (this includes employees of a business), you will need to provide your access code from your notice of assessment and your postal or ZIP code.

If you are a non‑resident representative living in the United States, you will need to provide your non‑resident representative number (NRRN) and your ZIP code. To apply for an NRRN, you must submit Form RC391, Application for a Canada Revenue Agency Non‑Resident Representative Number (NRRN).

Filing on paper

If you file 1 to 50 slips, we strongly encourage you to file over the Internet using Internet file transfer or Filling by Web Forms. However, you can still file up to 50 slips on paper.

Whether you print, type, or fill out your slips and summaries by hand, you can only order up to 50 at Forms and publications.

If you choose to file your return on paper, send your completed paper T4A-NR information return to:

Ottawa Technology Centre
875 Heron Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1G9

Fill out one copy of the T4A-NR slip for each recipient and include it with your T4A-NR Summary. Enter the information for two recipients on one sheet. You must keep the information from the T4A-NR slip and T4A-NR Summary or a copy of these forms for your files.

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