Businesses – A to Z index of taxes topics
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Businesses – A to Z index of taxes topics
- Atopics for businesses
- Btopics for businesses
- Ctopics for businesses
- Dtopics for businesses
- Etopics for businesses
- Ftopics for businesses
- Gtopics for businesses
- Htopics for businesses
- Itopics for businesses
- Jtopics for businesses
- Ktopics for businesses
- Ltopics for businesses
- Mtopics for businesses
- Ntopics for businesses
- Otopics for businesses
- Ptopics for businesses
- Qtopics for businesses
- Rtopics for businesses
- Stopics for businesses
- Ttopics for businesses
- Utopics for businesses
- Vtopics for businesses
- Wtopics for businesses
- Xtopics for businesses
- Ytopics for businesses
- Ztopics for businesses
- Aboriginal peoples
- Access code, Ready to file-GST/HST Netfile
- Account, closing
- Account number, registration
- Account number, registration (GST/HST)
- Accounting, legal, and other professional fees
- Accounting method:
- Accounts with CRA
- Adding accounts to your business number (BN)
- Address, change of
- Adjustments and errors:
- Administration and management fees
- Advertising
- AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs
- Air Travellers Security Charge (ATSC)
- Allowance on eligible capital property
- Allowances and benefits, taxable, payroll
- Amalgamation
- Amendment, GST/HST returns
- Appeals and objections, GST/HST
- Apprenticeship job creation tax credit
- Assessment, corporation
- Assessments, Notice of Objection, GST/HST
- Assets, bringing into a business
- Association, non-profit, definition
- Audit
- Auto-fill my return
- Automated teller machine (ATM) payment, corporation
- Automobile, motor vehicle expenses, sole proprietor or partnership
- Average annual exchange rates, foreign currencies
- Baby-sitter, caregiver or maid, payroll
- Babysitting, operating service
- Bad debts, sole proprietorships/partnerships
- Bank charges, business expense
- Bank machine (ATM), payment:
- Bankruptcy:
- Benefits and allowances, taxable, payroll
- Books and records
- Branches, divisions, more locations, opening
- Bringing assets into a business
- British Columbia, Corporations
- Business activity, changing
- Business expenses:
- Canada Business Network
- Business:
- Activity, changing
- Business Service Centre
- Income and expenses, reporting, sole proprietorships/partnerships
- Losses, application of
- Name, Change of operating name
- Registration, online
- Responsibilities
- Starting a Business
- Start-up costs
- Start-up options
- Stops operating
- Structure or type
- Taxes, fees, licences, dues, memberships, and subscriptions
- What is a business?
- Business Number (BN)
- Business-use-of-home, sole proprietorship / partnership
- Buying a business
- Calculating:
- Calendar year-end
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) deductions, payroll
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) accounts
- Canadian controlled private corporation
- Cancelling registration
- Capital cost allowance (CCA):
- Capital Gains
- Caregiver, baby-sitter or maid, payroll
- Certificate of residency
- Change:
- Charity, registered
- Claiming missed ITCs, time limits, GST/HST
- Clearance certificate
- Closing accounts
- Club, non-profit (definition)
- Collections
- Comfort Letters
- Commerce, electronic
- Completing:
- Computer and other equipment leasing costs
- Confidentiality (authorized representative)
- Construction
- Contact person
- Contract payment reporting:
- Contractors
- Convention expenses
- Converting the Filer Identification Number to the Business Number
- Corporate Internet filing
- Corporate Tax Administration for Ontario (CTAO)
- Corporation
- Customs
- Date of registration
- Daycare, operating
- Death or retirement of owner, partner, or director
- Deductions, payroll, calculating
- Delivery, freight, and express
- Depreciation:
- Director's liability
- Direct deposit
- Disagree:
- Disasters and disaster relief
- Disclosure, voluntary
- Disposition of Farm Property
- Dividends:
- Divisions, branches, more locations, opening
- Documents:
- Donations and gifts
- Draw down, drawings, salary, of owner(s)
- Drivers of taxis or limousines, GST/HST
- Due dates:
- Duty:
- E-commerce
- Effective date of registration for GST/HST
- EI deductions, payroll
- Electronic filing methods, businesses
- Electronic payments, businesses
- Eligible capital:
- Emergency volunteers
- Employee:
- Employer-employee relationship, payroll
- Employer responsibilities
- Employment status, payroll
- Enquiries, teletypewriter (TTY)
- Entertainment expenses, sole proprietorships/partnerships
- Equipment leasing costs
- Errors and adjustments, GST/HST
- Events and seminars
- Exchange rates, foreign income
- Excise duty:
- Excise taxes:
- Executor fees, payroll
- Expenses and income:
- Expenses:
- Exports and imports:
- Fair market value (FMV), definition
- Fairness provisions
- Farmers
- Fees:
- Filer Identification Number (FIN), converting to Business Number (BN)
- Filing:
- Filling out a return, corporation
- Film tax credit
- Financing - Business Support and Financing
- Fiscal year-end
- Fiscal year-end, GST/HST
- Fishing
- Flow-through shares
- Foreign:
- Forms, guides, and publications
- Form T2125, Statement of Business or Professional Activities
- Freight, express and delivery expenses
- Fuel costs
- GIFI (general index of financial information) corporation
- Gifts and donations
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Government contract payment reporting
- Government grants and subsidies, sole proprietorship/partnership
- Guides, forms, and publications
- Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
- Harmonized T2 (Ontario)
- Hiring an employee, payroll
- Hiring your first employee
- Hiring credit for small business (HCSB)
- Holidays and due dates
- Housing rebates, GST/HST
- Home, business-use-of, expenses
- Identity theft
- Important dates for business
- Imports/Exports:
- Income and expenses:
- Income tax:
- Incorporating a business
- Industry Campaign Approach
- Industry codes, sole proprietorship/partnership
- Informant Leads Program
- Information slips and returns, payroll
- Input tax credit (ITC):
- Instalments:
- Insurance premiums expenses
- Interest, motor vehicle expense
- Interest and Penalties:
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Internet commerce
- Internet filing, corporation
- Investment tax credit
- No topics for the letter "J"
- Labrador and Newfoundland, Corporations
- Late-filing penalty, corporation
- Leasing costs:
- Legal, accounting and professional fees
- Legal:
- Liaison Officer Initiative (LOI)
- Licences, business taxes, fees, dues, memberships and subscriptions
- Locations, branches, divisions, opening
- Lottery prize commissions
- Lumber, softwood
- Maintenance and repairs expenses
- Making deductions, payroll
- Management and administration fees
- Mandatory registration, GST/HST
- Manitoba, Corporations
- Market development
- Market value (fair)
- Marketing
- Meals, sole proprietorship/partnership
- Memberships, subscriptions, business taxes, fees, licences, and dues
- Method of accounting, quick, GST/HST
- Methods of accounting, business income
- Motor vehicle expenses (automobile) sole proprietor/partnership
- My Business Account
- My Payment
- Name:
- Non-residents: dispositions
- Non-residents : waivers
- Netfile, GST/HST
- Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA)
- Net tax:
- New Brunswick, Corporations
- Newfoundland and Labrador, Corporations
- New registrants, GST/HST
- New housing rebate, GST/HST
- New residential rental property rebate, GST/HST
- Nexus
- NISA (see Net Income Stabilization Account)
- Non-calendar year-end
- Non-profit organization
- Non-resident:
- Notice of assessment, corporations
- Notice of objection:
- Northwest Territories, Corporations
- Nova Scotia, Corporations
- Nunavut, Corporations
- Objection, corporation
- Objections and appeals
- Objection and appeals - GST/HST
- Office expenses, sole proprietorship/partnership
- One stop service (business services)
- Online business registration
- Online payments (My Payment)
- Ontario - Provincial Corporation Tax
- Opening a payroll program account
- Opening more locations, branches, or divisions
- Operating in Quebec:
- Operating name of business, change
- Operators of taxis and limousines, GST/HST
- Organization, non-profit (definition)
- Overtime pay, payroll
- Owner, partner, director:
- Partnership:
- Payments
- Payroll
- Benefits and allowances
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions
- Calculating deductions
- Completing slips and returns
- Deduction tables
- Deductions
- Employee
- Employer-employee relationship
- Employer responsibilities
- Employment Insurance (EI) premiums
- Employment status
- Filing information returns
- General information
- Hiring an employee
- Income tax deductions
- Information slips and returns
- Opening a payroll program account
- Penalties and interest
- Provincial Parental Insurance Plan (PPIP)
- Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP)
- Registration
- Remitting deductions
- Workers
- Penalties:
- Pension, foreign
- Phishing
- Placement and employment agency workers
- Plan administrators:
- Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP), Supplementary Unemployment Benefits Plan (SUBP)
- Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP)
- Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
- Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
- Registered Investment (RI)
- Registered Pension Plan (RPP)
- Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
- Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
- Prepaid expenses
- Prescribed interest rates
- Prince Edward Island, Corporations
- Private health plan premiums, Business expenses
- Proceeds from bartering, business income
- Professional fees, legal, accounting and other
- Programs:
- Property taxes
- Public corporation
- Publications, forms, and guides
- Quarterly:
- Quebec create your business website
- Quebec, operating in:
- Quick method of accounting, GST/HST
- RSI (return and schedule information)
- Rates:
- Corporation tax rates
- CPP rates (Canada Pension Plan)
- Currency exchange rates
- EI rates (Employment Insurance)
- Excise tax rates
- Federal and provincial/territorial tax rates
- Prescribed interest rates for amounts owed to the Canada Revenue Agency
- Prescribed interest rates for leasing rules
- Travel and meal expense rates for the medical expense, moving expense, and northern residents deductions
- Rebates, GST/HST
- Receivership, bankruptcy
- Record keeping
- Reduced EI premiums, payroll
- Registered charity, definition
- Registration:
- Remitting payroll deductions
- Rental income
- Rent expenses, business
- Reporting:
- Representative
- Research, scientific, and experimental development credit
- Residency, certificate of
- Residency of a corporation
- Residential rental property rebate, new, GST/HST
- Responsibilities:
- Restrictive covenant
- Restructure of business and CPP/EI
- Resuming, stopping or suspending operations
- Retirement compensation arrangements
- Retirement or death of owner, partner, or director
- Retiring allowance, payroll
- Returns:
- Reviving a business
- Sale of eligible capital property, business
- Saskatchewan, Corporations
- Scam
- Scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED)
- Self-employed:
- Selling a business
- Seminars and events
- Services rendered in Canada: non-residents
- Services and resources for Tax professionals
- Severence pay
- Single Administration of Ontario Corporate Tax
- Slips and summaries:
- Small business
- Small Business Job Credit
- Society, non-profit, definition
- Softwood lumber
- Sole proprietorship, definition
- Sole proprietorship, income and expenses
- Sole proprietorship and partnership
- Special levies
- Standby charge
- Starting a business
- Start-up costs, business
- Statements, corporation account
- Statement of Business or Professional Activities, Form T2125:
- Statistics, industries
- Subscriptions, business taxes, fees, licences, dues, and memberships
- Subsidies and grants, government
- Succession of employers and CPP/EI
- Suspending, stopping or resuming operations
- T1204, Government service contract payments
- T2, Corporation income tax return
- T2, harmonized Corporation income tax return (Ontario)
- T2125 Statement of Business or Professional Activities:
- T5, Return of investment income
- T5013, Statement of Partnership Income
- T5018, Statement of contract payments
- Tax Alert
- Tax-free savings account (TFSA) - Issuers
- Tax Havens
- Tax professionals
- Tax rulings and interpretations
- Tax shelter
- Tax year-end
- Tax year-end, corporation
- Taxi and limousine drivers/operators, GST/HST
- Taxpayer relief provisions
- Technical information
- Telephone and utilities expenses
- Teletypewriter (TTY) enquiries
- TFSA (see Tax-free savings account - Issuers)
- Threshold, GST/HST account
- Trade data online
- Transfer pricing
- Travel expenses, business
- Types of business structures
- Types of corporations
- Uniforms and special clothing (taxable benefits), payroll
- Union dues, payroll
- Use-of-home for business
- Utilities and telephone expenses
- Vacation pay
- Vehicle:
- Victim
- Voluntary disclosure
- Voluntary registration, GST/HST
- Volunteers, emergency
- Wages, salaries and benefits, payroll
- Waivers : non-residents
- When an employee leaves
- Worker, determination if employee or self-employed
- Workers Compensation, payroll
- Worksheets, calculation of corporation instalments
- No topics for the letter "X"
- No topics for the letter "Z"
- Date modified:
- 2017-01-05