CRA Annual Report to Parliament 2008-2009 - Our Performance Results


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Our Performance Results

The following sections of this report are organized according to six areas of the Canada Revenue Agency that are designed and managed to meet a specific public need, and are generally treated as a budgetary unit. Each section is set up to reflect how we allocate and manage our resources to achieve intended results.

  • Taxpayer and Business Assistance assists taxpayers in meeting their obligations under Canada’s self-assessment system.
  • Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing processes and validates taxpayer returns; registers, establishes, and maintains taxpayer accounts; and receives payments.
  • Accounts Receivable and Returns Compliance detects and addresses non-compliance with taxpayer filing and remittance requirements and manages tax debt.
  • Reporting Compliance verifies the complete and accurate disclosure by taxpayers of all required information to establish their tax liabilities and protects the revenue base through audit and enforcement activities.
  • Appeals provides a timely and impartial dispute resolution process for taxpayers who disagree with decisions made by the CRA.
  • Benefit Programs provides Canadians with income-based benefits and other services that contribute directly to their economic and social well-being.

For each section, we present a discussion of the achievements against the priorities identified in our Corporate Business Plan 2008-2009 to 2010-2011, and performance in relation to the expected result(s), specify the key results achieved during the year, provide a snapshot of the spending profile, and list notable achievements. At the end of each discussion, we present the results associated with each of our key performance indicators in a report card format to demonstrate how we arrived at our conclusion for each expected result.

Key Volumetrics:

  • over 27 million individual and trust tax returns and nearly 1.8 million corporate tax returns processed;
  • over 79 million visits to the CRA Web site;
  • approximately 25 million public enquiries answered;
  • 15,429 volunteers completed 482,487 simple tax returns for low-income, eligible taxpayers;
  • more than 6,000 voluntary disclosures processed, with related assessments totalling nearly $300 million;
  • over $17.8 billion in non-compliance identified;
  • over $913 million in interest and penalties waived or cancelled under the taxpayer relief provisions; and
  • more than $16 billion of federal, provincial, and territorial benefit and credit payments issued.

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