Targeted Areas for Improvement
Specific Priorities for Improvement in 2003-2004
Items from 2001-2002 Annual Report
Implement multi-faceted framework for managing accounts receivable, including nationalizing collections workload
Piloted the “National pool” and continued modernization of work processes at the National Collections Call Centre. Bankruptcy/Insolvency Strategy is under development.
Expand the “national pool” project, incorporate collection of T2 accounts at the National Collections Call Centre, and finalize the Bankruptcy/Insolvency Strategy. Develop strategies to address impact of the Supreme Court decision and high levels of allowance for doubtful accounts.
Deploy the additional resources provided by the government to meet the commitments for audit coverage and fiscal impact
Encountered staffing difficulties in the T2 audit program areas.
Maximize the additional resources provided by the government to meet commitments as a result of the Resource and Management Review in 2000-2001.
Continue implementation of Other Levies Systems (OLS)
Other Levies Endorsing and Securing System (OLES) was completed. Other Levies Assessing System (OLAS) was in testing phase.
Complete the implementation of OLES and OLAS.
Continue expansion of electronic delivery initiatives as stated in the Corporate Business Plan and Future Directions
Enhanced Web and expanded content on Interactive Information Services. Piloted T2 and GST/HST NETFILE. Introduced T4 internet filing using commercial software and EFILE On-Line Plus.
Expand eligibility for Corporation Internet Filing; implement “My Account”; improve electronic services for our International and non-resident taxpayers; and continue the development of service delivery initiatives for Charities.
Improve performance against existing service standards: expand the scope of these standards beyond timeliness, improve processing times of T2 corporation returns, and include standards for telephone enquiries
Performance improved against service standards, and processing times for T2 corporation returns exceeded targets. The scope of service standards was not expanded beyond timeliness. The CCRA was a key participant in the development of a government-wide service standard framework for telephone enquiries.
Improve performance against existing service standards, expand the scope of these standards beyond timeliness, and include standards for telephone enquiries.
Finalize the framework for measuring compliance, and develop appropriate indicators
Internal consultations on the framework were finalized, and approximately 150 compliance indicators were identified.
Continue developing the Compliance Measurement Framework.
Continue participation in international e-compliance and e-service committees to clarify existing policies and practices in an e-commerce world
Published a technical information bulletin in July 2002 to provide and explain provisions of legislation relevant to e-commerce and outline the CCRA's policies regarding Internet transactions for businesses.
Continue ongoing research and analysis of policies and procedures regarding e-commerce.
Continue to work on legislative changes
Participated in several improvements to existing and new legislation, including creating new regulations for the Royal Assent of the new Excise Act, 2001.
Excise Act, 2001 to come into force July 1, 2003.
Continue to work on policy and legislative initiatives
Established a Tax Advisory Committee, published all charities policies on our Web site, posted a technical bulletin explaining e-commerce provisions and legislation on our Web site.
Continue to participate in U.S. softwood lumber dispute. Establish a First Nations Advisory Committee as part of a new strategy for Aboriginal program delivery.