2001-2002 Annual Report to Parliament
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CCRA Performance Report
About Our Mission
What has changed is how we deliver on this mission. We now have the flexibility to find better ways of working with our employees to achieve concrete results for our clients and our partners. We also have the mandate to look at our administrative processes and systems in order to implement innovative solutions that make us more efficient and productive—Canadians expect that of us.
With our increased flexibility and our enhanced mandate for innovation comes the challenge of striking a balance between delivering the right services for the right price and achieving high levels of compliance with the laws we administer. Few other organizations deliver as many services to, or have as many interactions with, Canadians. For this reason, it is essential that we achieve the right balance—our performance can shape the public's attitudes toward government in general. We must also strive to connect with Canadians in a way that demonstrates the highest degree of integrity, professionalism, respect, and co-operation.
As one of the largest organizations in the federal government, much of our success comes from leveraging our ability to work with our federal, provincial, and territorial partners. Our partners rely on us to support them as they deliver their programs, by administering a complex set of over 185 acts, regulations, incentives, credits, surtaxes, and international treaties—including the Income Tax Act, Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, and Customs Act. They also trust us to test new boundaries in delivering services and accounting for our performance, and to share our learning and experiences with them.
There is still more work to do before we realize the full potential of the change agenda that we have embarked upon. However, our achievements over the past two years have provided us with the capacity to move forward in meeting new challenges and to show leadership in service and management excellence.
Exhibit 2 illustrates the strategic framework that we are using for planning and reporting purposes. Simply put, this framework provides a strategic perspective on what we do, why we do it, and how. It therefore consists of long-standing elements of the CCRA's strategic foundation, including our mission, vision, and supporting goals. Building on this foundation, the framework also captures the strategic outcomes we are aiming to achieve: innovation and compliance. These outcomes are further refined by statements of intermediate-level outcomes, which we are pursuing by way of core and change objectives.
Exhibit 2: Strategic Framework for Planning and Reporting
- Date modified:
- 2002-11-07