2010-2011 to 2012-2013 Summary of the Corporate Business Plan - Agency Governance and the Board of Management
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Agency Governance and the Board of Management
The Board’s goal for 2010-2011 to 2012-2013 is to ensure that the CRA is effectively and efficiently managed, that the CRA has a robust strategic framework to support the CRA’s ongoing success and that sound monitoring and reporting practices are in place. The Board’s key areas of focus will be to improve the governance of the CRA’s risk management regime and to provide effective oversight of services. The following is a summary of the Board of Management’s priorities for the period 2010-2011 to 2012-2013, grouped according to the Board’s statutory oversight responsibilities.
- Provide risk direction, oversight, and control to ensure that CRA risks are fully integrated into the strategic, operational and financial decision-making processes of the organization, and reflected in the CRA Corporate Business Plan.
- Oversee approval and implementation of strategies, particularly in the identified areas of challenge for the planning period: service, information technology and human resources.
- Work to further enhance the Board of Management Oversight Framework (BoMOF) to be even more robust, transparent and quantifiable.
- Set performance objectives for the Commissioner-Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and conduct an annual performance assessment, to complement the federal government’s overall assessment.
- Provide input to the performance objectives and assessments of a number of senior CRA executives to ensure that their accountabilities are aligned with Agency priorities and Board objectives, and that executive commitments are of high quality.
- Ensure that sound financial controls are in place, including: the CEO / Chief Financial Officer Certification Process of internal controls over financial reporting.
- Review and monitor the CRA’s Resources Management Strategy and Strategic Investment Plan, and oversee and approve major investment projects, including the Provincial Sales Tax Administration Reform project.
- Oversee the management of information technology risks and initiatives to ensure that the CRA has a sound information technology strategy and investment plan.
- Oversee and review the implementation of the CRA’s Service Strategy.
- Monitor and review of service standards to determine whether the CRA is communicating, monitoring, and reporting on the right services in a way that is meaningful and effective to the clients it serves.
- Review reports from the Office of the Taxpayers’ Ombudsman and monitor management’s response to service-related concerns and complaints.
- Provide input into the development of policies and strategies necessary to recruit, develop and retain talented employees, including the review of processes in place for succession planning and the ongoing review of the CRA’s Workforce Strategy.
- Monitor the implementation of the CRA’s End-State Pre-Qualification Processes for staffing activities and its impact on the time required to staff positions throughout the CRA.
- Oversee, review, and approve the CRA’s negotiating mandate and collective agreement with the Public Service Alliance of Canada.
Board Governance
Over time, the Board has matured into a productive and proactive body that has become one of the CRA’s governance strengths. To continue to be recognized as a best practice board and ensure its own effectiveness and efficiency, the Board continually looks for ways to improve its governance practices. In 2010-2011, the Board will ensure continued improvements to the Board of Management Oversight Framework, strengthen its risk governance role, conduct an overall review of current Board processes and practices, and hold an annual Strategic Planning Meeting to allow in-depth discussions on strategic direction for both the Board and the CRA.
Board Membership
The Board of Management of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is made up of 15 members [Footnote 1] appointed by the Governor in Council. They include the Chair, the Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer, a director nominated by each province, one director nominated by the territories, and two directors nominated by the federal government. Members of the Board bring a private-sector perspective and business approach to management and, in this regard, have been championing a significant agenda for change within the CRA.
The following list shows the Board membership as of March 2010.
Susan J. McArthur
Chair, Board of Management
Managing Director
Jacob Securities Inc.
Toronto, Ontario
Camille Belliveau, CFP , FCGA
Executive Director
Groupe EPR Canada Group Inc.
Shediac, New Brunswick
Myles Bourke, BCom, FCA
Corporate Director
Chartered Accountant
Lethbridge, Alberta
Raymond Desrochers, BCom, CA, CFE
BDO Dunwoody LLP Chartered Accountants
Winnipeg, Manitoba
John V. Firth, BFA , EPC
Financial Advisor
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
Gerard J. Fitzpatrick, FCA, TEP
Chartered Accountant
York, Prince Edward Island
Gordon Gillis, BA , LLB
Corporate Director
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Norman G. Halldorson, BCom , FCA
Corporate Director
Clavet, Saskatchewan
James J. Hewitt, FCMA
Corporate Director
Penticton, British Columbia
Fauzia Lalani, PEng
Executive Consultant
Calgary, Alberta
James R. Nininger, BCom , MBA , PhD
Corporate Director
Ottawa, Ontario
Sylvie Tessier, PEng , MBA , ICD.D
Director of Professional Services
Hewlett Packard
Toronto, Ontario
Linda Lizotte-MacPherson, BCom
Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer
Canada Revenue Agency
Ottawa, Ontario
Organizational Structure
[Footnote 1] Two positions on the Board are currently vacant
- Date modified:
- 2010-05-06