ARCHIVED - General Income Tax and Benefit Guide 2000
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ARCHIVED - General Income Tax and Benefit Guide - 2000
Ind ex
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W
- C anada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
- Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs)
- Certified feature films or productions
- Changing your return
- Child support
- Commission income
- Common law
- Community volunteer program
- Contacting us
- Cultural gifts
- D eath benefits (other than Canada or Quebec
Pension Plan death benefits) - Deceased persons, filing for
- Deemed resident
- Dependants, non-resident - non-refundable
tax credits - Depletion allowances
- Direct deposit
- Disagreeing with your assessment
- Due date for returns
- E cological gifts
- Elections Canada
- Emergency volunteers
- Emigrants - non-refundable tax credits
- Employment Insurance, repaying benefits
- F actual resident
- Federal logging tax credit
- Federal tax
- Fellowships
- Filing a return
- Films, investment in
- Foreign income and property
- G etting help
- Goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax
(GST/HST) - Government gifts
- Guaranteed investment certificates (GICs)
- Home Buyers' Plan
- Hours of service
- I dentification
- Immigrants - non-refundable tax credits
- Income amounts paid back
- Income maintenance insurance plans
- Income tax problems
- Income that is not taxed
- Instalments
- Insurance policies
- Interest on balances owing
- Interest on refunds
- Internet access
- Legal fees
- Loans and transfers of property
- Loans to non-resident trusts
- Losses
- Lump-sum payment income
- N ewcomers to Canada - non-refundable
tax credits - Non-refundable tax credits
- Non-resident dependants
- P enalties
- Pensions from a foreign country
- Personal label
- Personal tax information, requesting
- Post-dated cheques, paying your taxes with
- Previous years, filing for
- Province of residence
- R efunds
- Registered retirement income fund (RRIF) income
- Repaying amounts included in income
- Representatives
- Research grants
- Resource expenses
- Retiring allowances (severance pay)
- Return due date
- S afety deposit box charges
- Schedule 7, instructions for completing
- Scholarships
- Self-employment income
- Severance pay
- Social insurance number
- Split income of a child under 18
- Spousal RRSPs
- Spouse - defined
- Stock option benefits
- Suggestions
- Tax package
- Tax payable to more than one province or territory
- Tax shelters
- Term deposits
- Territory of residence
- Transfers to non-resident trusts
- Treasury bills (T-bills)
- Date modified:
- 2002-11-30