Frequently asked questions - How do I use this service?
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Frequently asked questions - How do I use this service?
- Now that I have registered for this service and received my RepID, what do I do next?
- Now that I have registered my business with this service, what do I do next?
- How do I associate my employees to my business?
- What is an administrator?
- What is the difference between a junior and a senior administrator?
- Can I manage my employees' access?
- What is the difference between a junior and a senior representative?
1. Now that I have registered for this service and received my RepID, what do I do next?
Give your RepID to your clients so they can authorize you as their representative to access their tax information online.
2. Now that I have registered my business with this service, what do I do next?
First, you need to associate your employees' RepID's to your business using the Represent a Client service. Second, give your BN to your clients so they can use it to authorize your business to represent them. After this, all employees associated to your business will have online access to your clients' tax information.
3. How do I associate my employees to my business?
Before you can associate employees to your business, they will need to register for a RepID through the "Register yourself" link on the Represent a Client welcome page.
Once you have your employee's RepID:
- log in to the service;
- select "Review and update";
- select "Manage employees' access";
- select "Associate employees" and complete the association by entering your employee's RepID.
4. What is an administrator?
An administrator will be useful in a large business with many employees. Associating employees and managing them for this service can be delegated to one or many administrators so that the task does not have to be performed only by the business owner.
5. What is the difference between a junior and a senior administrator?
The following table shows the functions that the different types of administrators can perform:
Option | Owner | Senior Admin | Junior Admin | Senior Rep | Junior Rep |
Associate representatives | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Associate Senior and Junior Administrators | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Assign employee privileges | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
View list of employees | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Modify employee associations | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
View employee activity | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Disassociate an employee | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Re-associate an employee | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Delete employee association | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
* View and download list of clients for the business | Yes | Yes | When Manage clients privilege is assigned | When Manage clients privilege is assigned | When Manage clients privilege is assigned |
Create and manage groups | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
View and update the business registration information | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Cancel your business registration for this service | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Suspend your business registration for this service | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Unsuspend the registration of your business for this service | Yes | No | No | No | No |
* Authorization request | Yes | Yes | When Manage business clients privilege is assigned | When Manage business clients privilege is assigned | When Manage business clients privilege is assigned |
* Delete Authorization | Yes | Yes | When Manage clients privilege is assigned | When Manage clients privilege is assigned | When Manage clients privilege is assigned |
Manage online mail | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Access mail | Yes | Yes | When Manage access mail privilege is assigned | When Manage access mail privilege is assigned | When Manage access mail privilege is assigned |
* Manage business clients privilege:
The Manage business clients privilege groups these three permissions:
- View and download list of clients for the business
- Authorization request
- Delete Authorization
The privilege can be assigned to a representative in any role.
* Manage individual clients privilege:
The Manage individual clients privilege groups these two permissions:
- View and download list of clients for the business
- Delete Authorization
The privilege can be assigned to a representative in any role.
Where these privileges are assigned to an employee, they will have the ability to perform all of the permissions grouped under that privilege.
6. Can I manage my employees' access?
Yes. A business that is granted level 2 authorization can internally manage its employees' access using the junior and senior representative functions. A junior representative is limited to level 1 (view only) authorization, while a senior representative is granted level 2 (view and request changes) authorization.
7. What is the difference between a junior and a senior representative?
When a business is authorized by a client for level 2 (view and request changes) authorization,
- a junior representative can perform the view only function; and
- a senior representative can perform the view and request changes functions.
- Date modified:
- 2014-10-20