Frequently asked questions - What is this service all about?


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Frequently asked questions - What is this service all about?

  1. What is the Represent a Client service?
  2. Who can use this service?
  3. Who is considered a client?
  4. Why would I want to use this service?
  5. How do I get authorized to access tax information online?
  6. Is my personal information secure?
  7. I’m having problems logging in. What browser security do I need?
  8. How do I contact the CRA if I need help with the Represent a Client service?

1. What is Represent a Client?

Represent a Client is an electronic service that allows representatives to validate and register themselves online. Once registered, they can be authorized by individuals or businesses to access their tax information online.

2. Who can use this service?

Any business or person that manages the accounts of individuals and/or businesses, including employees who manage the accounts of the business they work for, can use Represent a Client.

3. Who is considered a client?

A client is anyone who authorizes you as their representative, for example a business, your employer, a family member, or a friend.

If you work for a tax/payroll or accounting service provider, it would also include individuals on behalf of whom your business deals with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in a professional capacity.

Your employer can be your client if you interact with the CRA in a professional capacity on behalf of the business you work for, for example, employees of an in‑house payroll department.

4. Why would I want to use this service?

The CRA and the Government of Canada are committed to developing electronic options to better serve Canadians.

This service gives authorized representatives secure, quick, and easy online access to tax-related information for the individuals and businesses they represent.

5. How do I get authorized to access tax information online?

Once you are registered, give your Business Number (BN), GroupID or RepID to individuals, businesses, or your employer so they can authorize you to access their tax information online.

6. Is my personal information secure?

Yes, the CRA takes the confidentiality of your information very seriously. We use sophisticated security techniques to protect our site and your privacy. Powerful encryption technology and security procedures are in place to protect your personal information. That's why you have to use approved security protocols to view and manage personal information online. For more information, go to our Important security information.

7. I’m having problems logging in. What browser security do I need?

For information about browser security, cookies, cache, and blocking access to the CRA login services, please go to our Important security information.

8. How do I contact the CRA if I need help with the Represent a Client service?

If you have questions or need help, please contact Individual tax enquiries or business enquiries.

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