Before You Start


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Before you start using Corporation Internet Filing

Online check list

How do you file your return?

To file your return through the Corporation Internet Filing service, you have to agree to certain terms and conditions. You should review these terms and conditions in Ready to file? before completing your return. If you agree to these terms and conditions, you'll have to enter the following information for authentication purposes:

  • Business Number;
  • Tax Year End;
  • Corporation's assigned Web Access Code or EFILE On-Line number and password;
  • Path and name of the file containing your electronic corporation income tax return (".cor" file extension).

The Business Number, Tax Year End, and Web Access Code or EFILE On-Line number and password are the three pieces of identification information that make up your electronic signature.

After you enter this information, you have to read and agree to a declaration certifying that the attached electronic return is correct, complete, and accurate, and confirming that you did not change the corporation's name, addresses or direct deposit information on the return. You then select the appropriate link to indicate whether you are ready to file the tax return. If you decide to file, be sure to wait a minute or two while your file is loaded.

We will do a preliminary check of your return. If your return meets the basic requirements, you'll receive your confirmation number. This means that your tax return has been accepted for processing. Keep this confirmation number for your records.

If there are any problems with the electronic tax return you tried to send us, we'll send you an explanation of errors or corrections needed. This means your tax return was not accepted for processing. You should save, print, or make note of all messages we send. Before trying to retransmit the return, you must change the electronic version of the tax return by making the appropriate corrections according to the error messages you received.

A filing date is established upon successful validation of the electronic signature. The filing date will remain in effect as long as errors are corrected and the filer retransmits the return within five business days (excluding statutory holidays). If successful validation occurs after the five business days, the filing date is the date that the confirmation number is issued.

If your return has been accepted for processing, do not submit a paper copy of the return. After we have processed your return, we may have to contact you to obtain supporting documents, so remember to keep your receipts and information slips for at least six years. This is part of the same verification process that applies to all tax returns, whether paper or electronic.

When do you file your return?

For information on when a corporation is required to file their tax return, refer to When to file your corporation income tax return.

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