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Certified software

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) certifies commercial tax preparation software packages for use with the Corporation Internet Filing service.

"Certified" tax preparation software means that the developer of the tax package has gone through a process with the CRA to establish that the particular package is compatible with the CRA systems. This does not mean that we endorse or recommend any one product over any other.

Here is a list of software certified for Corporation Internet Filing. We will update this list as new software products are certified. Please note that inclusion in this list is not an endorsement of the software products by the CRA.

Software developers

Software developers produce software for retail use. To become a software developer for electronic filing purposes and to receive information on return specifications, you have to complete a Software Developer's Application for Electronic Filing.

If you are interested in developing commercial tax preparation software packages for use with the T2 Corporation Internet Filing service, contact us at:

T2 Development Section
Canada Revenue Agency
East Tower - E08
Canada Post Place
750 Heron Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 0L5

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