Newsletters for charities - Numerical index


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Newsletters for charities - Numerical index

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Newsletter Issue

Topics Included

Charities Connection No. 12

Budget 2012 - Changes affecting charities and other qualified donees
Charity Quick View and your charity
Charities Information Sessions and Webinars: New Schedule
Registered Charity Basic Information Sheet
Good feedback leads to better advice
Guidance Products: Fundraising guidance update; Helping you understand the rules; Your opinion counts

Charities Connection No. 11

Special Edition: Budget 2011 - Changes for charities, registered Canadian amateur athletic associations, and qualified donees

Charities Connection No. 10 The season of giving – Things to remember when issuing official donation receipts
Outreach activities
Reminder to file your Form T3010, Registered Charity Information Return
Charities Connection No. 9

The Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act - Now in Force

Charities Connection No. 8

Keep your eye on the ball
East Africa Drought Relief Fund
Prime Minister's Voluntary Awards - Update

Charities Connection No. 7

Budget 2011
Education and training for charity volunteers
Charities and giving webpage update
New guidance on using an intermediary to carry out a charity's activities in Canada
Reminder to file your Form T3010, Registered Charity Information Return
Prime Minister's Volunteer Awards

Charities Connection No. 6 Filing a complete T3010, Registered Charity Information Return
New reference numbers for guidance products
Hosting information sessions for charities
Standard for registered charities
Charities Connection No. 5 The new Form T3010-1, Registered Charity Information Return
The Charities Directorate's guidance documents
Giving to charity: Information for donors - Speaker's kit
Charities Connection No. 4 Facts and figures on the work of the Charities Directorate in 2009-2010
Education and training for charities
Education for donors
New webpages: Revoking registered status
Charities Connection No. 3 Service Clubs and Fraternal Societies
Changes to webpage addresses (URLs)
Are you HST ready?
Increasing text size on our webpages
Charities Connection No. 2 Payroll and Income Taxes
Changes to Charities Information Sessions and Webinars
Update: Budget 2010 - Changes for charities
Charities Connection No. 1 From the Director General
Budget 2010 - Changes for charities
Operating within the scope of a charity's objects
Changes to policy-related products
Filing a complete information return
National Volunteer Week
Newsletter No. 33 From the Director General
Improper receipting
New fundraising guidance
Many charities-related forms are now saveable
My Business Account for Charities
Small and Rural Charities (SARC) Initiative update
Charities Webinars
Charities Partnership and Outreach Program update
Tax shelter-related revocations
Guide RC4108 is no longer available
Obligation to file financial statements
Reminder to file Form T2081
International Volunteer Day
Newsletter No. 32 Appeals Branch - new address
Charities Information Sessions
Contact Information
Corporate status - Obligation to maintain
Electronic Mailing List
Financial statements - filing
Form T2050 (08), Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act
Form T3010B (09), Registered Charity Information Return
Improve your application - avoid unnecessary delays
Small and rural charities initiative
Newsletter No. 31 Facts and figures
Form T2050, Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act
Guide T4063, Registering a Charity for Income Tax Purposes
Charities incorporated in Ontario
Charities Partnership and Outreach Program
Policies - new and upcoming
Public education update
Small and rural charities initiative
Model objects
Court news
Disaster relief
Do Not Call List (DNCL)
Electronic mailing list (EML)
Charities Information Sessions
Guide T4033, Completing the Registered Charity Information Return
Compliance - Top 3
Disbursement quota

- no receipting on behalf of another organization
- split receipting

Registration Numbers - no lending
Questions and answers - Correcting errors and making changes
Processing returns - delay avoidance
Form T3010B (09), Registered Charity Information Return

Newsletter No. 30

Small and rural charities initiative
Charities Checklists
Proposed policy on fundraising
Charitable Work and Ethnocultural Groups: Information on registering as a charity
Partnership and Outreach Program
Telephone enquiries service standard
Electronic Mailing List (EML)
Charities Information Sessions (formerly the Roadshow) Guide T4033, Completing the Registered Charity Information Return
Excess Corporate Holdings Worksheet for private foundations
T3010B, Registered Charity Information Return
T2050, Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act

Newsletter No. 29 40th anniversary of registering charities
Electronic mailing list (EML)
Guide T4033, Completing the Registered Charity Information Return
Charities Information Sessions (formerly the Roadshow)
Court news

A.Y.S.A. Amateur Youth Soccer Association
International Charity Association Network (ICAN)

Public education initiative
Tax shelter gifting arrangements
Charities and GST/HST
Valuating donations
Tips for completing your annual information return

Newsletter No. 28

Regulatory reform
Enhanced audit program
Charities Directorate Roadshow
Electronic Mailing List (EML)
Facts and figures, statistics on charities
Reform of the re-registration process
Objections and appeals process
Capital gains exemptions on gifts of securities
Partnership and Outreach Program
Public education campaign
International Conference of Charity Regulators
New fillable T3010A

Newsletter No. 27

Facts and figures
Legalese for charities- Part III
Guidelines for applying new sanctions
Jurisdictional collaboration
Reminders when filing the annual information return
Receipts – Who is the donor?
Enduring property
Planned giving: annuities, life insurance and charitable remainder trusts
Debts incurred by charitable foundations
Restrictions on private foundations: business activities, debts and non-qualified investments
Gift of residue of an estate
Promotion of amateur athletics
Conducting activities in foreign country
Donation where there is no provision in the will

Newsletter No. 26

Legalese for charities - Part II
Charities Partnership and Outreach Program
New on-line search feature
Books and records
Books and records in the courts
Table: Type of record and length of retention

Newsletter No. 25

Information sessions - the RoadShow
Reform of application process
REMINDER: Where can we contact you?
REMINDER: Fiscal period-end changes
New and upcoming policies from the Charities Directorate
Split-receipting guidelines upheld

Newsletter No. 24

Charities Advisory Committee - 2004-05 Annual Report
Charities regulatory reform - Jurisdictional collaboration
Accord and codes available on the CRA's website
Structure, mission and vision
Determining fair market value
Cultural property
First Nations and qualified donee status
Applicants assisting ethnocultural communities

Newsletter No. 23

Facts and figures
Charities Partnership and Outreach Program
Educational pamphlets
New requirements for official donation receipts
Revisions to Form T3010A
Industry Canada's Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, Bill C-21
Golf tournaments
Guest piece: Clergy residence deduction
Volunteering services is not a gift
Procedural fairness when a result is inevitable

Newsletter No. 22

Facts and figures
Permission to accumulate property
Legalese for charities
Gifts for particular purposes
Rent-free accommodations
Property won through a lottery
Ecological gifts
Donate-a-car programs
Promotion, advertising, and sponsorship
A pledge is not a contract

Newsletter No. 21

Public education on phoney fundraising
Reminder: Simply submitting returns for corporate status is not sufficient
New publication: Cornerstones of Community
T3010A - dates of birth of directors
Board meetings
Changes to governing documents
When is an amalgamation not an amalgamation?
Registered charity status of the Parkinson's Support and Research Society revoked
Not just any valuation will do
Umbrella groups

Newsletter No. 20

Working outside Canada
Board of directors
Anti-terrorism legislation
Impact of court cases from other countries
FCA rules that advancement of religion requirements not met
FCA confirms that block discounts are a valid part of valuations
Assisting ethnocultural communities
Public benefit

Newsletter No. 19

Charities representative position created
Charities Advisory Committee
Facts and figures about charities and the CRA in 2003
The Budget and regulatory reform
Difference between a charity and a non-profit organization
Collège Rabbinique de Montréal Oir Hachaim D'Tash v. Minister of National Revenue

Newsletter No. 18

Name change: from CCRA to CRA
Updated pamphlet on gifts and income tax
List of companies authorized to produce a customized Form T3010A now available
Privacy Act affects some charities
Other sites of interest
Statistics on charities
Charitable donation tax shelter arrangements
Gifts in kind
GST/HST and registered charities

Newsletter No. 17

Charities Advisory Committee being developed
Advisory on partisan political activities
New Form T3010A, and the new guide T4033A,
Related business
Promoting racial equality

Newsletter No. 16

Survey of charities
Amalgamations, mergers, and consolidations
Items of a speculative value
Annuities to donors
Update: Supreme Court of Canada rules that proposed lottery would violate gambling laws
New rules for determining whether a charity is a private foundation
Guidance on public benefit

Newsletter No. 15 Facts and figures about charities and the CCRA today
Court news

Related vs. unrelated business
Political activities lead to revocation

Gifts by direct designation
Internal divisions of other charities
JRT Report
Elimination of racial discrimination as a charitable purpose

Newsletter No. 14 -
Winter 2003
Policy Consolidation Project
Form T3010 information online
Adjusting T3010A returns
Court news

Federal court dismisses appeal
Abusive donation scheme not allowed

Memo on gift certificates available online
What's new for charities on the CCRA website
Business Number (BN) and donation receipts
Related business
New political activity guidelines

Newsletter No. 13 -
Summer 2002

Simplified T3010
Internet Display Project
Future Directions
Related Business Guidelines
Joint Regulatory Table Consultations
Case Summary - Charities Operating Abroad

Newsletter No. 12 -
Spring 2002

The New Anti-Terrorism Law
Mapping the Road to the Future (Future Directions)
Voluntary Sector Initiative
Joint Regulatory Table
Valuing Gifts of Public Securities
Promoting volunteerism: Grand Forks Volunteer
Society v. MNR
Volunteer services for seniors
Friendly reminders

Newsletter No. 11 -
Fall 2001

What is deferred giving?
Case Summary - Falsifying receipts
Policy consultation on rental housing for low-income tenants
Renewal in the Charities Directorate
Fairness and client rights
Facts about charities
International Year of the Volunteer
Reminders - T3010 and governing documents

Newsletter No. 10 -
Spring 2001
F.A.Q. Supporting or opposing political candidates

(not permitted)
Issuing receipts by e-mail or on the internet
Borrowed /Temporary business numbers
(not permitted)
Organizations holding events on behalf of a

Issuing receipts to groups
Charities Directorate online
Re-registration fee
Receipting for gift certificates
Changes to the Competition Act
Backing-up your books and records
Where to send your T3010

Newsletter No. 9 -
Spring 2000

Using funds after meeting the disbursement quota
Donor benefits
Establishing the value of gifts in kind
Using the business number (BN) on official donation receipts

Newsletter No. 8 -
Spring 1999

Increased transparency
Applications for re-registration (Updated in Newsletter no. 10)
Further questions on golf tournaments
Directed donations
Issuing receipts for gifts of art
Gifts of units in a hedge fund
Membership fees
Official donation receipts - Quebec donors
Basic GST/HST information for charities

Newsletter No. 7 -
Summer 1998

Annual charity information return (T3010) - F.A.Q.
Getting information by using the business number system
Fundraising golf tournaments
Fundraising auctions

Newsletter Special Release - Autumn 1996

The Canada-United States Income Tax Convention
Canadian charities and their U.S. donors
U.S. charities and their Canadian donors

Newsletter No. 6 -
Summer 1996

Issuing donation tax receipts for tuition fees
Averaging political expenses over time
The revised T3010 return
The "art" of issuing official donation receipts

Newsletter No. 5 -
Winter 1995-1996

Visiting us
Filing the T3010 return
Maintaining the public's confidence through the T3010 return
The where and why of books and records
Changing your charity's name, address, or telephone number
Changing your charity's fiscal period

Newsletter No. 4 -
Spring 1994

Charities Division client surveys
Issuing receipts for gifts of art
Simplified methods of calculating GST input tax credits and rebates

Newsletter No. 3 -
Winter 1992-1993

Taxation working with customs and excise
Federal excise gasoline tax refund program
Gifts of property other than cash
Registered national arts service organizations

Newsletter No. 2 -
Spring 1992

Issuing official donation receipts where there are prizes
Revised annual information return
Registered national arts service organizations issuing tax receipts (updated in newsletter no. 3)
Participation on a municipal advisory committee
Where can we contact you

Newsletter No. 1 -
Autumn 1991

Donation of services
Political activities
Annual return due date

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