GST/HST credit : guideline table effective July 2014 - June 2015 (tax year 2013)


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GST/HST credit : guideline table effective July 2014 - June 2015 (tax year 2013)

Not married

Family net income ($) No children ($/year) 1 child ($/year) 2 children ($/year) 3 children ($/year) 4 children ($/year)
under 8,685 268.00 677.00 818.00 959.00 1,100.00
10,000 294.30 677.00 818.00 959.00 1,100.00
34,000 409.00 677.00 818.00 959.00 1,100.00
35,000 402.60 670.60 811.60 952.60 1,093.60
36,000 352.60 620.60 761.60 902.60 1,043.60
37,000 302.60 570.60 711.60 852.60 993.60
38,000 252.60 520.60 661.60 802.60 943.60
39,000 202.60 470.60 611.60 752.60 893.60
40,000 152.60 420.60 561.60 702.60 843.60
42,000 52.60 320.60 461.60 602.60 743.60
44,000 0.00 220.60 361.60 502.60 643.60
46,000 0.00 120.60 261.60 402.60 543.60
48,000 0.00 20.60 161.60 302.60 443.60
50,000 0.00 0.00 61.60 202.60 343.60
52,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.60 243.60
54,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143.60
56,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.60
58,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


Family net income ($) No children ($/year) 1 child ($/year) 2 children ($/year) 3 children ($/year) 4 children ($/year)
under 8,685 536.00 677.00 818.00 959.00 1,100.00
35,000 529.60 670.60 811.60 952.60 1,093.60
36,000 479.60 620.60 761.60 902.60 1,043.60
37,000 429.60 570.60 711.60 852.60 993.60
38,000 379.60 520.60 661.60 802.60 943.60
39,000 329.60 470.60 611.60 752.60 893.60
40,000 279.60 420.60 561.60 702.60 843.60
42.000 179.60 320.60 461.60 602.60 743.60
44,000 79.60 220.60 361.60 502.60 643.60
46,000 0.00 120.60 261.60 402.60 543.60
48,000 0.00 20.60 161.80 302.80 443.80
50,000 0.00 0.00 61.60 202.60 343.60
52,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.60 243.60
54,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.60 143.60
56,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.60
58,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


  1. The amounts listed above represent a recipient's yearly entitlement for the GST/HST credit based on their marital status, family size and family net income.
  2. The yearly entitlement for the 2013 tax year is paid in 4 quarterly issuances in the months of July and October 2014 and January and April 2015.
  3. These amounts are only to be used as a guideline.
  4. All recipients must keep the Canada Revenue Agency informed of any changes to their current address, family size and marital situation.
  5. The universal child care benefit (UCCB) and/or registered disability savings plan (RDSP) are not be included as part of your adjusted family net income in the calculation of your GST/HST credit.
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