T4004 - Fishing Income 2015


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T4004 Fishing Income 2015

Notice to the reader

In 2017, Guide T4004, Fishing Income, will no longer be published. It will be replaced by Guide T4003, Farming and Fishing Income. The T4003 will include tax information for both farmers and fishers.

You can view this publication in:

HTML t4004-e.html (343 KB)
PDF t4004-15e.pdf (464 KB) - Information Guide
PDF T2121 (59 kB) - Statement of Fishing Activities

For people with visual impairments, the following alternate formats are also available:

Braille t4004-15e.brf (237 KB)
Large print t4004-lp-15e.pdf (852 KB)

Last update: 2016-04-22
Available in print: 2016-01-07

Previous-year versions are also available.

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