Missing or lost remittance voucher
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Missing or lost remittance voucher
Even if you do not have a remittance voucher, you still have to send the CRA your payment by the due date. If you do not receive a remittance voucher in time to make your next remittance, or if you have misplaced it, send your payment payable to the Receiver General. Include a short note that states your name, address, and non-resident account number, and the year and month covered by the payment.
To order Form NR93, Non-Resident Tax Remittance Voucher, call the CRA at 1-855-284-5946 from anywhere in Canada and the United States or at 613-940-8499 from outside of Canada and the United States. The CRA accepts collect calls by automated response. You may hear a beep and experience a normal connection delay.
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2020-01-10