Covid - 19


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CRA and COVID-19

Before you start

Many individuals directly affected by COVID-19 received emergency benefits that provided them with financial support during the .

These payments are taxable income. The total amount received must be reported on the individual’s tax return.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will provide one T4A slip that includes all the COVID-19 benefit amounts the individual received from the CRA. If applicable, the T4A slip will also indicate any COVID-19 benefit amounts repaid to the CRA.

The individual will receive a separate T4A slip from their province or territory for COVID-19 financial assistance payments received from and, if applicable, repaid to the province or territory.

If the individual received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) through Service Canada, any amounts received from or repaid to Service Canada will be reported on a T4E slip.


This scenario includes information specifically for First Nations individuals. We recognize that many First Nations people in Canada prefer not to be referred to as Indians. However, for the purposes of tax-exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act, the CRA uses the term Indian because it has legal meaning within this Act. Individuals who are Indians, as defined in the Indian Act, are often referred to as Status Indians.

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  • Need to know

    COVID-19 benefit payments from the CRA – T4A Statement of pension, retirement, annuity, and other income

    The T4A slip issued by the CRA will show each benefit payment under its own box number in the Other information section of the slip.

    Example of a T4A slip with the Income tax deducted in box 22, the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) reported in box 202 and the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) in box 203

    Text version

    T4A– Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip

    Box 022 Income tax deducted – line 43700: 1,600.00 is highlighted

    Other information (see page 2)

    Box 202: Amount: 15,000.00 is highlighted

    Box 203: Amount: 1,000.00 is highlighted

    Types of emergency benefit payments that can be found on the T4A slip issued by the CRA include:

    • Box 197, Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
    • Box 198, Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)
    • Box 199, Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) for eligible students with disabilities or those with children or other dependents
    • Box 202, Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)
    • Box 203, Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
    • Box 204, Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)
    • Box 205, One-time payment for older seniors

    These amounts are reported on line 13000 of the Income Tax and Benefit Return.

    Issues with a T4A slip issued by the CRA

    The individual should call the CRA right away if:

    • Their T4A slip shows incorrect amounts
    • They repaid benefit amounts in 2021 but the repayments are not reflected on their 2021 T4A slip
    • Their T4A slip shows incorrect personal information
    • They did not apply for a COVID-19 benefit, but received a T4A slip (exception: the One-time payment for older seniors was automatically paid to all eligible individuals)

    Individuals waiting for the CRA to resolve an issue with their T4A are still encouraged to file by the deadline. This will ensure there are no interruptions to benefit or credit payments, and helps to avoid late-filing penalties.

    Telephone number: 1-800-959-8281

    For more information, visit Questions about your T4A? Here’s what you need to know and Benefit amounts on your T4A slip.

    Provincial/Territorial COVID-19 financial assistance payments – T4A Statement of pension, retirement, annuity, and other income

    The T4A slip issued by the province or territory will show the financial assistance payments under box 200 in the Other information section of the slip.

    Here is an example of a T4A with the Provincial/Territorial COVID-19 financial assistance payments in box 200:

    Text version

    T4A– Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip

    Other information (see page 2)

    Box 200: Amount: 733.00 is highlighted

    The Provincial/Territorial COVID-19 financial assistance payments amount is reported on line 13000 of the Income Tax and Benefit Return.

    Issues with a T4A slip issued by the province or territory

    The individual should call their province or territory right away if:

    • Their T4A slip shows incorrect amounts
    • They repaid benefit amounts in 2021, but the repayments are not reflected on the 2021 T4A slip
    • Their T4A slip shows incorrect personal information
    • They did not apply for a COVID-19 benefit, but received a T4A slip

    Individuals waiting for the province or territory to resolve an issue with their T4A are still encouraged to file by the deadline. This will ensure there are no interruptions to benefit or credit payments and helps to avoid late-filing penalties.

    For more information on how an individual can contact their province or territory see Provincial and territorial tax and credits for individuals.

    Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) payments from Service Canada – T4E Statement of Employment Insurance and Other Benefits

    Slips issued by Service Canada will show the total benefits paid in box 14 of the T4E and in some cases, tax-exempt benefits under the Indian Act in box 18. The amount shown in box 14 of the T4E, will be reported on line 11900 of the Income Tax and Benefit Return.

    Here is an example of a T4E with the total amount of CERB payments reported in box 14 and the tax-exempt portion in box 18:

    Text version

    T4E – Statement of Employment Insurance and Other Benefits

    Protected B

    Box 14: Total benefits paid: 8,000.00 is highlighted

    Box 18: Amount: 8,000.00 is highlighted


    Although in some cases the T4E may have a tax exempt benefit amount in box 18, it is recommended to verify this amount with the individual.

    Issues with a T4E slip

    The individual should call Service Canada if:

    • Their T4E slip shows incorrect amounts
    • They repaid amounts in 2021, but the repayments are not reflected on their 2021 T4E slip
    • Their T4E slip shows incorrect personal information
    • They did not apply for any EI or CERB benefits, but received a T4E slip

    Service Canada telephone number: 1-800-206-7218


    If the tax-exempt income under the Indian Act is not correctly reported in box 18 of the T4E slip, it is not necessary for the individual to obtain an amended slip. The volunteer must attach a letter to the individual’s paper return stating what portion of the income is exempt and reduce the gross amount in box 14 so that the exempt benefits are not reported on line 11900. This is done to avoid unnecessary delays and late filing penalties. It will also help ensure there are no interruptions to benefit or credit payments.

    COVID-19 benefits - Determining tax-exempt benefits under the Indian Act

    The COVID-19 benefit payments that may be tax exempt on a T4A slip are:

    • box 197 for Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) payments;
    • box 200 for provincial/territorial COVID-19 financial assistance payments;
    • box 202 for Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) payments;
    • box 203 for Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) payments;
    • box 204 for Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) payments

    The following payments are not tax exempt under the Indian Act:

    • box 198, Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB);
    • box 199, Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) for eligible students with disabilities or those with children or other dependents;
    • box 205, One-time payment for older seniors

    Contrary to the T4E slip, the T4A slip will not indicate that these benefits are tax exempt.

    An examination of the individual’s income may be needed to determine how these payments are treated on a Status Indian’s tax return.

    If all of the income that entitled an individual to the COVID-19 benefit amounts is tax exempt, all of their COVID-19 benefit payments are considered tax exempt. For example, an individual who worked on reserve all year and earned tax-exempt employment income would receive COVID-19 benefits exempt from income tax. If all of the income that entitled the individual to the COVID-19 benefits was taxable, all of the benefit payments they received would also be taxable.

    If part of the income that entitled an individual to the COVID-19 benefits is taxable, the benefit will be partially taxable. The exemption percentage can be set according to the most advantageous period for the individual by using either the previous fiscal year or the 12 months preceding the COVID-19 benefit request. For more information, see Taxes and benefits for Indigenous peoples and click on: If you received COVID-related benefits.

    Individuals who need information on how to return or repay COVID-19 benefits

    COVID-19 benefit payments made to anyone who is later found to be ineligible will need to be returned to the CRA or Service Canada.

    As a volunteer, you will not have access to view any amounts an individual has owing. Should an individual require more information about COVID-19 benefit repayments, please refer them online to Repay COVID‑19 benefits or by phone at 1-833-966-2099 to speak to a representative.


    As a volunteer, you may be faced with some difficult situations, as some individuals may be facing a lot of stress, with some individuals even owing tax for the first time. Here are some quick tips that may help you effectively communicate with individuals.

    Federal COVID-19 benefits repayment

    An individual can claim a deduction for the 2021 repayment of federal COVID-19 benefits that were received in 2020.

    The federal benefits involved are as follows:

    • Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
    • Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)
    • Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)
    • Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
    • Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)

    The repayment will show in box 201 of their T4A slip for the 2021 tax year.

    If the individual received their CERB from Service Canada, the amount repaid will be reported in box 30 of their T4E slip, along with other EI amounts repaid. Service Canada will send them a letter showing the exact portion of the amount in box 30 that is CERB repayment.

    They can claim this deduction for the federal COVID-19 benefits repayment in any of the following ways:

    • on line 23210 of their 2021 return
    • on line 23200 of their 2020 return
    • on both their 2020 and 2021 returns as long as the total amount claimed is not more than the combined amounts reported in box 201 of their T4A slip and the letter from Service Canada

    The individual needs to confirm how they wish to claim the deduction for the repayment. If the individual wants to claim a deduction on their 2020 return but it has already been assessed, they will have to request an adjustment.


    It is not up to the volunteer to determine in which year the deduction will be more beneficial.

    Provincial or territorial COVID-19 benefits repayment

    If an individual repaid provincial or territorial COVID-19 benefits in 2021 for an overpayment of provincial or territorial COVID-19 benefits received in 2020, the amount repaid will be reported in box 201 of their T4A slip. They can only claim a deduction for the total amount repaid on line 23200 of their 2021 return.

    Here is an example of a T4A with the repayment amount in box 201:

    Text version

    T4A– Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip

    Payer’s name is highlighted

    Other information (see page 2)

    Box 201: Amount 2,500.00 is highlighted

    Since both the federal and provincial/territorial governments will issue the same type of slip with the same box number (box 201), it is important to look at the Payer’s name box to determine how to treat the repayment.

    If the Payer’s name box says Canada Revenue Agency, the individual must inform the volunteer which year they wish to claim the deduction.

    If the Payer’s name box says a provincial/territorial government, the repayment goes on line 23200 of the 2021 tax return.

    Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) clawback

    Important note

    This is not to be confused with COVID-19 benefit repayments mentioned previously, where ineligible amounts received must be repaid.

    Individuals are allowed to earn employment and self-employment income of $38,000 while receiving the CRB. However, they will be required to repay $0.50 for every dollar of net income they earn above $38,000 for that year (2020 or 2021). They will not have to pay back more than their benefit amount for that year.

    Net income refers to income as identified on line 23600 of the individual’s income tax and benefit return for that year, excluding the CRB itself.

    Example: Ali applied for the CRB and received $3,000 in 2021. His net income (excluding the CRB) was $45,000 for 2021. In this example, Ali made $7,000 over the $38,000 threshold. Since $3,500 is more than the benefit received, the clawback is the full amount of CRB he received.

    CRB threshold $38,000

    Ali’s net income (excluding the CRB)


    Ali’s net income above the threshold

    ($45,000 - $38,000)


    $0.50 for every dollar above the threshold

    ($0.50 X $7,000)

    CRB received $3,000

    CRB clawback

    (The lesser of: $3,500 or $3,000)


    When completing the tax return, UFile will automatically calculate the clawback and add the amount to line 23500, as a deduction. This ensures that the individual doesn’t pay taxes on any amount they must repay. This overpayment amount is then reported on line 42200 which may result in an amount owing for the individual.


    Tax-exempt income under the Indian Act is disregarded when it comes to determining whether the taxpayer's income exceeds $38,000.

    Home office expenses for employees

    Important note

    As an exception to the CVITP eligibility guidelines, volunteers can complete 2021 tax returns where an employed individual is claiming the deduction for home office expenses for employees, only if the individual is choosing to use the temporary flat rate method to claim their deduction.

    Using the detailed method is not considered a simple tax situation.

    For the 2021 tax return, an employed individual can choose to claim the Home office expenses using either:

    • the temporary flat rate method, or
    • the detailed method

    Each employed individual working from home can use the temporary flat rate method to calculate their deduction for home office expenses if all of the following conditions are met:

    • They worked from home in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
    • They worked more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least four consecutive weeks in 2021
    • They are only claiming home office expenses and are not claiming any other employment expenses
    • They were not reimbursed by their employer for home office expenses

    The temporary flat rate method allows eligible employees to claim a deduction of $2 for each day they worked at home in that period, plus any other days they worked from home in 2021 due to COVID-19, up to a maximum of $500.

    Under this temporary flat rate method, employees do not need Form T2200 or Form T2200S completed and signed by their employer and are not required to keep or provide receipts.

    For more information, see Home office expenses for employees.

  • Screen-by-screen instructions


    This training uses screenshots taken from prior versions of the UFile CVITP software. Consequently, the images may differ slightly from the current version of UFile CVITP. The content is accurate, and generally, the only difference will be the tax year being referenced. Should the current year’s software contain any significant changes, a new screenshot will be published as soon as possible.

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      Interview setup topic is highlighted

      Pension income, other income and split pension income, COVID-19 benefits (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032) is highlighted

    Interview setup

    • Select the Interview setup from the left side menu
    • Check the box next to Pension income, other income and split pension income, COVID-19 benefits (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032) from the Pension section
    • Click Next

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      T4A and pension income topic is highlighted

      Pension and retirement income page

      T4A – Pension, retirement, annuity, and other income (COVID-19 benefits) is highlighted

    Pension and retirement income

    • Select T4A and pension income from the left side menu
    • Click the + sign next to T4A – Pension, retirement, annuity, and other income (COVID-19 benefits) from the Pension income section

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      T4A annuity income topic is highlighted

      Federal income tax deducted box 022: empty is highlighted

      Other information is highlighted with the following drop-down options:

      [197] Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)

      [198] Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)

      [199] Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB) for eligible students with disabilities or those with children or other dependants

      [200] Provincial/Territorial COVID-19 financial assistance payments

      [201] Repayments of a federal COVID-19 financial assistance

      [201] Repayments of a provincial or territorial COVID-19 financial assistance

      [202] Canada recovery benefit (CRB)

      [203] Canada recovery sickness benefit (CRSB)

      Box 028+: is highlighted

      The plus and minus signs are highlighted

    Pension and retirement income

    • Enter the federal income tax deducted, if any, into field 22
    • Select the option applicable to the box number from the Other information drop-down menu and enter the amount reported on the T4A
    • For Repayments of a federal COVID-19 financial assistance, enter the amount the individual wishes to claim for 2021
    • Click the + sign to add another box
    • Click Next

    Note: For the purpose of the above instructions, Repayments of a federal COVID-19 financial assistance refers to amounts administered by the CRA and does not include any amounts administered by Service Canada. For more information on options to claim these amounts, see Federal COVID-19 benefits repayment.

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      Interview setup topic is highlighted

      Tax return for a Status Indian is checked and highlighted

    Interview setup for Status Indians

    • Select Interview setup from the left side menu
    • Check the box next to Tax return for a Status Indian from the Specific situations section
    • Click Next

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      Status Indian topic is highlighted

      Status Indian exemptions page

      Please confirm that you are a Status Indian is highlighted. The following drop-down options are highlighted: Yes, No

      Exempt benefits paid due to the COVID-19 is highlighted

    Status Indian exemptions

    • The Status Indian topic appears in the left side menu
    • Answer Yes to the statement Please confirm that you are a Status Indian
    • Enter the tax-exempt portion of the benefit in the Exempt benefits paid due to the COVID-19 field

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      Interview setup topic is highlighted

      Employment income and employment insurance benefits (T4, T4E/RL-6) is checked and highlighted

    Interview setup

    • Select Interview setup from the left side menu
    • Check the box next to Employment income and employment insurance benefits (T4, T4E/RL-6) from the Employment and other benefits section
    • Click Next

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      T4 and employment income topic is highlighted

      T4 and employment income page

      T4E – Employment insurance and other benefits is highlighted

    T4 and employment income

    • Select T4 and employment income from the left side menu
    • Click the + sign next to T4E – Employment insurance and other benefits from the T4 and T4E section

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      T4E EI benefits topic is highlighted

      T4E – Employment Insurance and other benefits page

    T4E – Employment insurance and other benefits

    • Enter the amounts from the T4E into their matching fields in UFile
    • Enter the total of the following amounts into the Repayment of an overpayment field:
      • EI repayments
      • CERB repayment amount the individual wishes to claim for 2021 (this amount will also be entered on its own in the next field, Repayment of the CERB (this amount is included in box 30), as outlined in below)
    • Enter the CERB repayment amount the individual wishes to claim for 2021 into the field, Repayment of the CERB (this amount is included in box 30)
      • This will be the amount reported in the letter the individual will receive from Service Canada
    • Click Next

    Note: For the purposes of the above instructions, Repayment of the CERB (this amount is included in box 30), refers to amounts administered by Service Canada and does not include any amounts administered by the CRA. For more information on options to claim these amounts, see Federal COVID-19 benefits repayment.

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      Interview setup topic is highlighted

      Employment expenses (including T777S) is checked and highlighted

    Interview setup

    • Select the Interview setup from the left side menu
    • Check the box next to Employment expenses (including T777S) from the Employment and other benefits section
    • Click Next

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      Employment expenses topic is highlighted

      Employment expenses page

      T777S – Employment expenses for Working at Home Due to COVID-19 – Temporary flat rate method is highlighted and pension income topic is highlighted

    Employment expenses

    • Select Employment expenses from the left side menu
    • Click the + sign next to

    T777S – Employment expenses for Working at Home Due to COVID-19 – Temporary flat rate method from the Employment expenses section

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      COVID-19 Temporary flat rate method topic is highlighted

      Employment expenses for working at home due to COVID-19 – Temporary flat rate method page

      Did you work more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least a month (four consecutive weeks) in 2020 due to COVID-19 is highlighted with the following drop-down options: Yes, No

    Employment expenses for working at home due to COVID-19

    • Select Yes to the question Did you work more than 50% of the time from home for a period of at least a month (four consecutive weeks) in 2020 due to COVID-19?

    • Text version

      UFile screen

      Under Interview tab

      Family Head sub-tab

      COVID-19 Temporary flat rate method topic is highlighted

      Employment expenses for working at home due to COVID-19 – Temporary flat rate method page

      Total number of days you worked from home in 2020 due to COVID-19 is highlighted

    Employment expenses for working at home due to COVID-19

    • Enter the Total number of days you worked from home in 2020 due to COVID-19
    • Click Next

  • Example 1: Reporting COVID-19 benefits and employment income

    Instructions: Practice entering information into the mock profile

    Open the UFile CVITP software and use the background information, slips required (tax slips, receipts, etc.), and points to remember sections provided in the example to enter all the necessary information. Once completed, compare your results with the solution provided.


    Examples have been created using fictional names. Any resemblance to persons real, imaginary, or deceased is purely coincidental. There is no intention for examples to depict stereotyping on any basis.

    Background information

    Name Pierre Knowlton
    Social insurance number (SIN) 000 000 000

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Date of birth September 09, 1990
    Marital status


    Slips required:

    • T4A – Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip (Canada Revenue Agency)
    • T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (Great Services Inc.)

    Pierre worked at Great Services Inc. He applied for the CRB and received payments in 2021. He also applied for and received the CRSB in the same year.

    Points to remember:

    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Employment income and employment insurance benefits (T4, T4E/RL-6) in the Employment and other benefits section to enter the T4 slip
    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Pension income, other income and split pension income, COVID-19 benefits (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032) in the Pension section to enter the T4A slip
      • Enter the Federal income tax deducted
      • Under Other information choose field 202 and enter the amount from the slip.
      • Click the + sign to enter the information from box 203

    Information slip for Pierre:

    T4 – Statement of of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income (Canada Revenue Agency)

    Text version

    T4A – Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income

    Protected B

    Payer’s name: Canada Revenue Agency

    Recipient’s name and address:

    Last name: Knowlton

    First name: Pierre

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Box 12: Social insurance number: 000 000 000

    Box 22: Income tax deducted – line 437000: 1,300.00

    Other information (see page 2)

    Box 202: 12,000.00

    Box 203: 1,000.00

    T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (Great Services Inc.)

    Text version

    T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid

    Protected B

    Employer’s name: Great Services Inc.

    Employee’s name and address:

    Last name: Knowlton

    First name: Pierre

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Box 12: Social insurance number: 000 000 000

    Box 14: Employment income – line 10100: 15,200.00

    Box 16: Employee’s CPP contributions – see over: 637.78

    Box 18: Employee’s EI premiums – line 31200: 240.24

    Box 24: EI insurable earnings: 15,200.00

    Box 26: CPP/QPP pensionable earnings: 15,200.00

  • Solution 1: Reporting COVID-19 benefits and employment income


    This solution was calculated using the 2021 version of UFile CVITP, with Ontario as the province of residence. To validate your results, refer to the federal totals generated on lines 15000, 23600, 26000, and 42000. Calculations may vary depending on the province/territory selected in the Identification section. To view your results, click the Federal summary link found under the Review tab when you have completed the example.

    Text version

    Pierre Knowlton

    Total income

    10100 Employment income: $15,200.00

    13000 Other income: $13,000.00

    15000 Total income: $28,200.00

    Net income

    22215 Deduction for CPP and QPP enhanced contributions: $58.50

    23600 Net income: $28,141.50

    Taxable income

    26000 Taxable income: $28,141.50

    Non refundable tax credits

    30000 Basic personal amount: $13,808.00

    30800 CPP or QPP contributions through employment: $579.15

    31200 Employment Insurance premiums through employment: $240.16

    31260 Canada employment amount: $1,257.00

    33500 Total: $15,884.31

    33800 Total @ 15%: $2,382.65

    35000 Non refundable tax credits: $2,382.65

    Refund or balance owing

    42900 Basic federal tax: $1,838.58

    40500 Federal foreign tax credit (T2209): $0.00

    40600 Federal tax: $1,838.58

    41700 Line 406000 - 41600: $1,838.58

    42000 Net federal tax: $1,838.58

    42800 Provincial or territorial tax: $362.73

    43500 Total payable: $2,201.31

    43700 Total income tax deducted: $1,300.00

    Payments and credits

    45300 Canada workers benefit (CWB) (schedule 6): $615.37

    48200 Total credits: $1,915.37

    48500 Balance owing: $285.94

  • Example 2: Reporting COVID-19 benefits, COVID-19 repayment and employment income

    Instructions: Practice entering information into the mock profile

    Open the UFile CVITP software and use the background information, slips required (tax slips, receipts, etc.), and points to remember sections provided in the example to enter all the necessary information. Once completed, compare your results with the solution provided.


    Examples have been created using fictional names. Any resemblance to persons real, imaginary, or deceased is purely coincidental. There is no intention for examples to depict stereotyping on any basis.

    Background information

    Name Amy Martin
    Social insurance number (SIN) 000 000 000

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Date of birth September 09, 1990
    Marital status



    Son: Tyler Martin

    DOB: January 1, 2014

    Slips required:

    • T4A – Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip (Canada Revenue Agency)
    • T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (Madame Chic Ltd.)

    Amy worked part time at Madame Chic Ltd. She applied for and received the CRB, the CRCB and the CRSB in 2021.

    In 2020, she had applied for and received the CERB. In 2021 she found out she was ineligible and paid back $2,000 to the CRA. She informs the volunteer she wishes to claim what she paid back to the CRA in her 2021 income tax return.

    Points to remember:

    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Employment income and employment insurance benefits (T4, T4E/RL-6) in the Employment and other benefits section to enter the T4 slip
    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Pension income, other income and split pension income, COVID-19 benefits (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032) in the Pension section to enter the T4A slip
      • Enter the Federal income tax deducted
      • Under Other information choose field 201 and enter the amount from the slip.
      • Click the + sign to enter the information from box 202
      • Click the + sign to enter the information from box 203
      • Click the + sign to enter the information from box 204

    Information slip for Amy:

    T4 – Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income (Canada Revenue Agency)

    Text version

    T4A – Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income

    Protected B

    Payer’s name: Canada Revenue Agency

    Recipient’s name and address:

    Last name: Martin

    First name: Amy

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Box 12: Social insurance number: 000 000 000

    Box 22: Income tax deducted – line 43700: 2,360.00

    Other information (see page 2)

    Box 201: 2,000.00

    Box 202: 20,600.00

    Box 203: 2,000.00

    Box 204: 1,000.00

    T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (Madame Chic Ltd.)

    Text version

    T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid

    Protected B

    Employer’s name: Madame Chic Ltd.

    Employee’s name and address:

    Last name: Martin

    First name: Amy

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Box 12: Social insurance number: 000 000 000

    Box 14: Employment income – line 10100: 20,000.00

    Box 16: Employee’s CPP contributions – see over: 888.94

    Box 18: Employee’s EI premiums – line 31200: 315.90

    Box 24: EI insurable earnings: 20,000.00

    Box 26: CPP/QPP pensionable earnings: 20,00.00

  • Solution 2: Reporting COVID-19 benefits, COVID-19 repayment and employment income


    This solution was calculated using the 2021 version of UFile CVITP, with Ontario as the province of residence. To validate your results, refer to the federal totals generated on lines 15000, 23600, 26000, and 42000. Calculations may vary depending on the province/territory selected in the Identification section. To view your results, click the Federal summary link found under the Review tab when you have completed the example.

    Text version

    Amy Martin

    Total income

    10100 Employment income: $20,000.00

    13000 Other income: $23,600.00

    15000 Total income: $43,600.00

    Net income

    22215 Deduction for CPP and QPP enhanced contributions: $81.55

    23600 Net income: $41,518.45

    Taxable income

    26000 Taxable income: $41,518.45

    Non refundable tax credits

    30000 Basic personal amount: $13,808.00

    30400 Amount for an eligible dependant: $13,808.00

    30800 CPP or QPP contributions through employment: $807.39

    31200 Employment Insurance premiums through employment: $315.90

    31260 Canada employment amount: $1,257.00

    33500 Total: $29,996.29

    33800 Total @ 15%: $4,499.44

    35000 Non refundable tax credits: $4,499.44

    Refund or balance owing

    42900 Basic federal tax: $1,728.33

    40500 Federal foreign tax credit (T2209): $0.00

    40600 Federal tax: $1,728.33

    41700 Line 406000 - 41600: $1,728.33

    42000 Net federal tax: $1,728.33

    42800 Provincial or territorial tax: $1,067.98

    43500 Total payable: $2,796.31

    43700 Total income tax deducted: $2,360.00

    Payments and credits

    45300 Canada workers benefit (CWB) (schedule 6): $101.78

    48200 Total credits: $2,461.78

    48500 Balance owing: $334.53

  • Example 3 – Tax-exempt COVID-19 benefits and employment income

    Instructions: Practice entering information into the mock profile

    Open the UFile CVITP software and use the background information, slips required (tax slips, receipts, etc.), and points to remember sections provided in the example to enter all the necessary information. Once completed, compare your results with the solution provided.


    Examples have been created using fictional names. Any resemblance to persons real, imaginary, or deceased is purely coincidental. There is no intention for examples to depict stereotyping on any basis.

    Background information

    Name Heather Johnson
    Social insurance number (SIN) 000 000 000

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Date of birth June 30, 1985
    Marital status


    Slips included:

    • T4A – Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip (Canada Revenue Agency)
    • T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (First General Store Ltd.)

    Heather is a Status Indian under the Indian Act. She worked part time at First General Store Ltd. She applied for and received the CRB in 2021. She informs the volunteer that all of the income that entitled her to the CRB is tax exempt.

    Slips required:

    • T4A – Statement of Pension Plan, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income slip (Canada Revenue Agency)
    • T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (First General Store Ltd.)

    Points to remember:

    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Employment income and employment insurance benefits (T4, T4E/RL-6) in the Employment and other benefits section to enter the T4 slip
    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Pension income, other income and split pension income, COVID-19 benefits (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032) in the Pension section to enter the T4A slip
      • Enter the Federal income tax deducted
      • Under Other information choose field 202 and enter the amount from the slip.
    • In the Interview setup, check the box next to Tax return for a Status Indian in the Specific situations section
      • Select Yes at the Please confirm that you are a Status Indian field
      • Enter the amount that is tax exempt in the Exempt benefits paid due to the COVID-19 field

    Information slip for Heather:

    T4 – Statement of of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income (Canada Revenue Agency)

    Text version

    T4A – Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income

    Protected B

    Payer’s name: Canada Revenue Agency

    Recipient’s name and address:

    Last name: Johnson

    First name: Heather

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Box 12: Social insurance number: 000 000 000

    Box 22: Income tax deducted – line 43700: 1,000.00

    Other information (see page 2)

    Box 202: 10,000.00

    T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid (First General Store Ltd.)

    Text version

    T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid

    Protected B

    Employer’s name: Madame Chic Ltd.

    Employee’s name and address:

    Last name: Martin

    First name: Amy

    123 Main Street

    City, Province X0X 0X0

    Box 12: Social insurance number: 000 000 000

    Box 18: Employee’s EI premiums – line 31200: 315.90

    Box 24: EI insurable earnings: 20,000.00

    Box 28: Exempt CPP/QPP is checked

    Other information (see over)

    Box 71: 20,000.00

  • Solution 3 – Tax-exempt COVID-19 benefits and employment income


    This solution was calculated using the 2021 version of UFile CVITP, with Ontario as the province of residence. To validate your results, refer to the federal totals generated on lines 15000, 23600, 26000, and 42000. Calculations may vary depending on the province/territory selected in the Identification section. To view your results, click the Federal summary link found under the Review tab when you have completed the example.

    Text version

    Heather Johnson

    Total income

    15000 Total income: $0.00

    Net income

    23600 Net income: $0.00

    Taxable income

    26000 Taxable income: $0.00

    Non refundable tax credits

    30000 Basic personal amount: $13,808.00

    31200 Employment Insurance premiums through employment: $315.90

    33500 Total: $14,123.90

    33800 Total @ 15%: $2,118.59

    35000 Non refundable tax credits: $2,118.59

    Refund or balance owing

    42900 Basic federal tax: $0.00

    40500 Federal foreign tax credit (T2209): $0.00

    40600 Federal tax: $0.00

    42000 Net federal tax: $0.00

    42800 Provincial or territorial tax: $0.00

    43500 Total payable: $0.00

    43700 Total income tax deducted: $1,000.00

    Payments and credits

    45300 Canada workers benefit (CWB) (schedule 6): $336.60

    48200 Total credits: $1,336.60

    48500 Refund: $1,336.60

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