Mandatory information


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Mandatory information

You have to complete all the sections on Form T5001, Application for Tax Shelter Identification Number and Undertaking to Keep Books and Records. If there is not enough space for any section, attach a separate list or sheet. If you do not enter all the information we ask for in each section, or do not send all the documents we require, we may contact you to get the missing information. Missing information can delay our issuing a tax shelter identification number.


Full disclosure is required of all documents relating to this application. All the information requested in Form T5001 and in the documents supporting your application is "prescribed information." If the information you provide for any section is insufficient, your application will be treated as invalid and the issuing of the tax shelter identification number may be delayed, or even refused.

The promoter has to provide us with prescribed information on the application, including:

  • references to the precise location of each item of information (for example, responses such as "see prospectus" are incomplete—you have to provide the precise annex number, page number, and paragraph or clause reference)
  • a copy of an offering memorandum
  • a statement that the promoter will keep the books and records in Canada
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