Terms you should know


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Terms you should know

Eligible capital property

You may buy property that does not physically exist but gives you a lasting economic benefit. This kind of property is eligible capital property.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) considers franchises, concessions or licences with a limited period to be depreciable properties, not eligible capital properties. For details about depreciable properties, go to Claiming capital cost allowance (CCA).

For 2017 and future tax years, this property is now included in capital cost allowance Class 14.1.

Eligible capital expenditure

The price you pay to buy eligible capital property is an eligible capital expenditure.

Annual allowance

You cannot fully deduct an eligible capital expenditure because the expenditure is considered to be capital in nature and provides a lasting economic benefit. However, you can deduct part of its cost each year. The amount you can deduct is your annual allowance.

Cumulative eligible capital (CEC) account

This is the bookkeeping record you establish to determine your annual allowance. You also use your CEC account to keep track of the property you buy and sell. The CRA calls the property in your CEC account your eligible capital property. You base your annual allowance on the balance in your CEC account at the end of your fiscal period. Keep a separate account for each business, but include all eligible capital property for the one business in the same CEC account.

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