ARCHIVED - Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables - British Columbia


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ARCHIVED - Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables - British Columbia

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T4008-BC-7 (E) Rev. 15

This guide uses plain language to explain the most common tax situations. If you need more help, contact your tax services office.

The CPP and EI tables for 2015 are not part of this file. However, they are available on our Web site.

You must look up amount in two tax deductions tables – a federal table and a provincial table.

This guide is a supplement to the publication T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables.

Table of contents

What's new as of July 1, 2015

The major changes made to this guide, since the last edition, are outlined.

This guide reflects some income tax changes recently announced which, if enacted by the applicable legislature as proposed, would be effective July 1, 2015. At the time of publishing, some of these proposed changes were not law. We recommend that you use the new payroll deductions tables in this guide for withholding commencing with the first payroll in July 2015.

There is no change to the federal income tax rates for July 2015.

The British Columbia budget, tabled on February 17, 2015, announced changes to the British Columbia Tax Reduction. Effective for the 2015 tax year, the tax reduction changed from $412 to $432 and the tax reduction phase-out threshold is also changed from $18,327 to $19,000. The phase-out rate is changed from 3.2% to 3.5% of net income.

Since some employees have been taxed at a different rate for the first six months, a prorated tax rate will apply to the remaining six months, commencing with the first payroll in July.

Effective July 1, 2015, the British Columbia Tax Reduction is $452 and the reduction phase-out threshold is $19,673. The tax reduction rate is 3.8% of net income.

Payroll Deductions Tables

You can download Guides T4008, Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables, and T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables, from our webpage at You can also choose to print only the pages or information that you need.

Guide T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables, is also available on CD for use on any computer with or without Internet access. You can order a copy at or by calling 1-800-959-5525.

Paper copies remain available for employers who do not use a computer. To get a copy, call us at 1-800-959-5525.

Payroll Deductions Online Calculator

For your 2015 payroll deductions, you can use our Payroll Deductions Online Calculator (PDOC). This online calculator makes it easier to calculate payroll deductions. PDOC is available at

Let us notify you

We provide an electronic service that can notify you immediately, free of charge, of any changes for payroll deductions.

To subscribe, visit our Web site at and enter your business's email address for each mailing list that you want to join.

General information

This guide is a supplement to the guide entitled Payroll Deductions Tables (T4032). See the Payroll Deductions Tables for your province or territory if you need more information about:

  • what's new for July 1, 2015;
  • how to calculate tax deductions when you cannot use the tables;
  • how to deduct income tax, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, and Employment Insurance (EI) premiums; and
  • the payroll deductions required for pay periods other than those included in this guide.

For information on deducting, remitting, and reporting payroll deductions, go to the following employers' guides:

  • T4001, Employers' Guide – Payroll Deductions and Remittances
  • T4130, Employers' Guide – Taxable Benefits and Allowances
  • RC4110, Employee or Self-employed?
  • RC4120, Employers' Guide – Filing the T4 Slip and Summary
  • RC4157, Deducting Income Tax on Pension and Other Income, and Filing the T4A Slip and Summary

You can download and print a copy of the above noted guides. Our guides are available from our Web site at You can also use the Payroll Deductions Online Calculator free of charge.


You may also want to keep the 2014 edition of this guide until the end of 2015. These tables may help you resolve any pensionable and insurable earnings review (PIER) deficiencies that may arise after we have processed your 2014 T4 return.

Claim codes

You may have to ask your employees or your pensioners to complete a federal and a provincial personal tax credits return using a federal Form TD1 and a provincial Form TD1.

The total personal amount an employee claims on a TD1 form will determine which claim code you use. For 2015, the claim amounts that correspond to the federal claim codes are not the same as the claim amounts that correspond to the provincial claim codes. Go to charts 1 and 2.

The claim codes and corresponding amounts do not appear on either the federal or the provincial TD1 form.

Explanation of claim codes

Claim code 0

This code represents no claim amount allowed. If the federal claim code is "0" because the employee is a non-resident, the provincial claim code must also be "0." This code may also be used if the employee indicated they have more than one employer or payer at the same time and have entered “0” on the front page of Form TD1 for 2015.

Claim codes 1 to 10

You match the total claim amount reported on line 12 of your employee's or pensioner's TD1 forms with the appropriate claim codes. Then, you look up the tax for the employee's pay under the claim code in the federal and provincial tax tables for the pay period.

Indexing of claim codes amounts

The credits that apply to each federal and provincial claim code have been automatically increased in the tax tables by the indexing factor for the current year. If your employee did not complete the federal and provincial TD1 forms for 2015, you continue to deduct income tax using the same claim code that you used last year.

Chart 1 – 2015 federal claim codes
Total claim amount ($) Claim code
No claim amount 0
Minimum to 11,327.00 1
11,327.01 to 13,491.00 2
13,491.01 to 15,655.00 3
15,655.01 to 17,819.00 4
17,819.01 to 19,983.00 5
19,983.01 to 22,147.00 6
22,147.01 to 24,311.00 7
24,311.01 to 26,475.00 8
26,475.01 to 28,639.00 9
28,639.01 to 30,803.00 10
30,803.01 and over X
The employer has to calculate the tax manually.
No withholding E
Chart 2 – 2015 British Columbia claim codes
Total claim amount ($) Claim code
No claim amount 0
Minimum to 9,938.00 1
9,938.01 to 12,174.00 2
12,174.01 to 14,410.00 3
14,410.01 to 16,646.00 4
16,646.01 to 18,882.00 5
18,882.01 to 21,118.00 6
21,118.01 to 23,354.00 7
23,354.01 to 25,590.00 8
25,590.01 to 27,826.00 9
27,826.01 to 30,062.00 10
30,062.01 and over X
The employer has to calculate the tax manually.
No withholding E

Employment income from all sources

On the federal and provincial TD1 forms, under the heading "Income from other employers or payers," employees can indicate that their expected employment income from all sources will be less than their total claim amount. If an employee states that his or her total expected income will be less than the "Total claim amount" of the TD1 forms, do not deduct any federal or provincial tax.

However, as an employer, if you know that this statement is false, you must deduct federal and provincial tax from the salary. Deduct tax according to the claim code that applies to the "Total claim amount" of the TD1 forms.

It is a serious offence to knowingly accept a Form TD1 that contains false or deceptive statements. If you are not sure a statement is true, contact your tax services office for advice.

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