ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of British Columbia


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ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of British Columbia

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All the information you need to calculate your British Columbia (BC) tax and credits is included in the Completing your British Columbia forms. Complete Form BC428, British Columbia Tax, and Form BC479, British Columbia Credits, and attach a copy to your return.

What's new for 2008?

The rates, income levels, and most of the non-refundable tax credits used to calculate your provincial income tax have changed.

An additional reduction in the lower personal income tax rates for 2008 was announced on October 22, 2008.

The rate for calculating the BC tax reduction has changed.

BC Family Bonus

The BC Family Bonus program includes the basic Family Bonus and the BC Earned Income Benefit. This program provides non-taxable monthly payments to help low- and modest-income families with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. Benefits are combined with the Canada Child Tax Benefit into one monthly payment.

Basic Family Bonus

The Basic Family Bonus is calculated based on the number of children in the family and family net income.

For details on the payment amounts, see Pamphlet T4114, Canada Child Benefits.

BC Earned Income Benefit

Families with earned income may also be entitled to the BC Earned Income Benefit. The maximum monthly benefit a family may receive depends on the number of children in the family and family net income.

For details on the payment amounts, see Pamphlet T4114, Canada Child Benefits.

There is no need to apply separately to get payments under the BC Family Bonus. We will use the information from your Canada Child Benefits application to determine your eligibility for the program.

File your tax return - You (and your spouse or common-law partner) should file your 2008 tax return(s) as soon as possible. The information you give on your return(s) will determine how much you will get starting in July 2009.

This program is fully funded by the Province of British Columbia. For more information, call 1-800-387-1193 .

BC Low Income Climate Action Tax Credit (BCLICATC)

The BCLICATC is a program designed to help low income individuals and families with the carbon taxes they pay. The BCLICATC is combined with the goods and services tax (GST) credit into one payment every quarter.

For details on the payment amount, see Pamphlet RC4210, GST/HST Credit.

To get payments under the BCLICATC, you (or your spouse or common-law partner) should apply for the GST credit on page 1 of your return.

File your return -You (and your spouse or common-law partner) should file your 2008 return(s) as soon as possible. The information you give on your return(s) will determine how much BCLICATC you will get starting in July 2009.

The BCLICATC program is fully funded by the Province of British Columbia.

For more information, call 1-800-959-1953 .

For more information

If you have questions about British Columbia tax and credits visit the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Web site or call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 .

To get forms, visit our Forms and publications page or call 1-800-959-2221 .

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