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GST/HST Internet File Transfer is available to most GST/HST registrants, excluding those with accounts that are administered by Revenu Québec. If you are a selected listed financial institution (SLFI) that reports both the GST/HST and QST please visit Determine which returns to complete and when to file.

Returns with an amount on line 111

You can file returns with a rebate amount on line 111 using GST/HST Internet File Transfer. However, you must still mail the rebate application form(s) to the applicable tax centre. The tax centre should receive the form(s) on or before the due date of your return.

Builders - transitional information

If you are a builder required to report transitional information on housing (Schedule A of the GST/HST return), you must file your return using GST/HST NETFILE.

Recaptured input tax credits

If you are required to recapture input tax credits for the provincial portion of the HST on specified property or services (Schedules B and C of the GST/HST return), you must file your return using GST/HST NETFILE or through a participating financial institution that offers electronic filing for GST/HST returns.

Joint filers

If you are the coordinator of a closely related group of corporations (i.e. you have filed election GST303) and you file returns electronically, you must still send your letter of direction to your tax centre.

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