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The Canada Revenue Agency administers the following programs on behalf of the Yukon Government:

Yukon child benefit (YCB)

This benefit is a non-taxable amount paid monthly to help low‑ and modest‑income families with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. These amounts are combined with the CCB into a single monthly payment.

You may be entitled to a benefit of $76.50 per month for each child. If your adjusted family net income is above $35,000, you may get part of the benefit.

This program is funded by the Yukon government.

Yukon Government carbon price rebate - Individuals (YGCPRI)

This rebate is a non-taxable amount paid to individuals and families to help offset the cost of the federal carbon pollution pricing levy. The amount is combined with the quarterly federal GST/HST credit payments.

You may be entitled to the annual payment amount of $310 for an individual, $310 for a spouse or common-law partner, and $310 per child under 19 years of age.

In addition, individuals living outside of Whitehorse may also receive a remote supplement amount of $62.00 for an individual, $62.00 for a spouse or common-law partner, and $62.00 per child under 19 years of age.

The amount is not subject to a benefit reduction based on income.

This program is fully funded by the Government of Yukon.

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