Information about regulating the political activities of charities


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Information about regulating the political activities of charities

Ensuring that registered charities devote their resources to charitable activities and comply with the rules related to political activities has always been part of the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) compliance program.

Budget 2012 called for increased transparency and reporting obligations for charities, as well as increased education and compliance activities.

In the summer of 2012, the CRA increased its political activities compliance efforts, which included audits focused on political activities. Charities from across the entire spectrum of charitable activity are included in our review and audit activities.

The process for identifying which charities will be audited for any reason is handled by the Charities Directorate and is not subject to political direction.

The CRA updated its website to include comprehensive information on the rules registered charities must follow regarding political activities, frequently asked questions, a self-assessment tool, a recorded webinar and a series of videos on political activities. To view these pages and others, go to Resources for charities about political activities.

For more information on the Charities Directorate's recent activities, please see the Report on the Charities Program 2015-2016.

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