Advising the Charities Directorate of changes to your registered charity’s information


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Advising the Charities Directorate of changes to your registered charity’s information

It is important that the Charities Directorate has accurate information about all registered charities in Canada.


You should notify us for any of the following reasons:

☐ to make sure proposed changes to your charity’s purposes and activities are charitable

☐ to request approval for:

☐ a fiscal year-end change
☐ a re-designation
☐ a disbursement quota reduction
associated status
permission to accumulate property (funds)

☐ to report a change to your charity’s name, address, phone or fax number, email address, or contact information (you may also update the address using My Business Account)

☐ to report a change to your charity’s governing documents (constitution, articles of incorporation, etc.)

☐ to report that your charity has been part of an amalgamation, merger, or consolidation

☐ to report that your charity is no longer operating and to ask to have its registration voluntarily revoked


To ensure proper processing, send notifications or requests separately from the T3010 Registered Charity Information Return. All correspondence should include your charity’s name and registration number.

Send the information by:

Charities Directorate
Canada Revenue Agency
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5

833-339-0997 (toll-free number)

Send your documents to only one number and avoid duplication.

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