Collection of overpayments


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Collection of overpayments

Paying your debt all at once, and in full, helps you avoid interest and other legal and financial consequences. However, if you cannot pay the full amount now, there are options for you. Ignoring your debt does not make it go away. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will work with you to resolve your debt.

Debt payment

The CRA collects Employment insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) and other overpayments on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

The CRA also collects overpaid child and family benefits and goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credits.

If you have a balance owing, the CRA may keep all or a portion of any future payments, tax refunds or GST/HST credits until the amount is repaid.

You can pay your debt online, at your financial institution or by mail. The CRA will apply your payment toward your oldest ESDC debt unless you request otherwise.

  • Online banking
    Payments can be made online through your financial institution. CRA’s “My Payment” is not available to pay an ESDC debt.
    • Select "Employment and Social Development Canada" as the payee.
    • Enter your Social Insurance Number (SIN) as the account number.
    • If your financial institution requires 11 characters, add the letters “YY” or the numbers “00” at the end on your entry.

  • By mail
    If you are unable to make your payments online, you may pay by sending a cheque or money order.
    • Make your cheque or money order payable to “Receiver General for Canada.”
    • Write your client ID number on the front of your cheque or money order.
    • Include your remittance slip with your payment – do not staple
    • Mail your payment to the payment office indicated on the back of your statement of account.
    • Do not send cash by mail.

  • For non-residents

    Foreign currency payments can by made by international wire transfer. Electronic funds transfer must be made in Canadian or US currency. Foreign cheques will not be accepted.

    International wire transfers

    Complete the fields as indicated below:

    • SWIFT Bic code number: CCDQCAMM
    • Beneficiary account number: MFI09702510815CAD5
    • Charges: "OUR"
    • Description (mandatory):
      • Client name: last name, first name
      • Client identification number from remittance slip, invoice and/or statement of account
      • Other information to indicate the intent of the payment (Program: CPP, EI, OAS, etc.)

    Electronic funds transfer
    The debtor will assume the cost of conversion and responsibility for any fees that cannot be deducted from the amount.

    Complete the fields as indicated below:

    • Bank: Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec
    • Address:
      1 Complexe Desjardins
      South Tower, 15th floor
      Montreal, Quebec, Canada
      H5B 1B3
    • Bank number: 815
    • Transit number: 98000
    • Beneficiary name: 014-25623 - ESDC (Receiver General for Canada)

Payment arrangement

If you cannot pay in full, or make the minimum monthly payment on your statement of account, the CRA may agree to a reduced regular payment. This allows you to make payments over time until you have paid the entire debt, including interest. Your debt will gain interest until you pay the full balance.

A payment arrangement is an agreement between you and the CRA to pay your debt over a certain period. The CRA will consider a payment arrangement when you have shown that you have tried to pay your debt in full by either reducing your expenses or borrowing funds. After reviewing your financial details, the CRA will work with you to determine the amount and length of the payment arrangement.

The Income and expense worksheet is an optional budget tool to help you determine what you can afford to pay on a regular basis.

Contact the CRA to set up your payment arrangement.

You must pay as agreed, continue to file all returns on time, and stay up to date with your tax obligations. Payment arrangements may be subject to periodic reviews.

Even if you have a payment arrangement and are making payments, benefits and other credit payments you receive can be used to pay your debt.

If your situation changes and you cannot continue with your payment arrangement, you must contact the CRA. If you do not, the CRA may proceed with legal actions to collect the balance of your debt. Go to Consequences of not paying for more information.

If you are unable to make a payment or payment arrangement, go to Unable to pay.

Related links:

Unable to pay

If you cannot pay in full, or make the minimum monthly payment on your statement of account, contact the CRA.

If you do not call or make a payment arrangement, the CRA may take legal action to collect the balance. Go to Consequences of not paying for more information.

Financial hardship provision

You may apply for help under the financial hardship provision if your debt repayment makes it difficult for you to pay for basic needs such as housing, food, and utilities.

Interest waiver and relief – Employment Insurance

Under specific circumstances, ESDC may waive or reduce the amount of interest when it results in undue hardship to you.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) currently do not charge interest on their debts.

Insolvency or bankruptcy

If you feel you are insolvent or are considering bankruptcy, visit the Office of the superintendent of bankruptcy.

Related links:

Consequences of not paying

If you do not pay your debt or refuse to cooperate, the CRA may take legal action which could result in serious financial or legal consequences for you.

Before starting legal action, the CRA must do the following:

  • make 3 attempts to give verbal legal warning by phone
  • send 1 written legal warning letter

For more information, go to Legal warning about collection of debt.

Once the CRA has started any of the following legal actions, the CRA will not usually withdraw them.

To avoid legal action, go to Debt payment or Unable to pay.

  • Garnishing wages or other income sources

    Demand on third party (redirect money owed to you by a third party)

    The CRA can issue a demand on third party (DTP) to take funds that a third party owes you or holds for you. A third party could include a person or organization such as your employer, your bank or other sources of income.

    The DTP is typically sent at 30% of your take home pay and 100% of funds held in your financial institution. The CRA will apply the funds to your debt.

    For more information on DTP, go to Understanding a demand on third party

    Set-off (redirecting money owed to you by the federal government)

    If you are owed money by any federal government department or agency, the CRA can issue a set-off to redirect the funds, and apply these amounts to your debt.

    The CRA can use your federal income, goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credits or any future income tax refunds to reduce your debt.

    Set-offs can be done even if you have a payment arrangement and are making payments.

    In addition, the CRA is authorized to take amounts from any benefits you receive when you have a debt.

    • Employment insurance (EI)

    If you have an EI debt, the CRA is authorized to take 50% of your EI benefits. This is done even if you have a payment arrangement. If this is causing you hardship you may contact a CRA agent to review your situation.

    • Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

    If you have a CPP debt, the Employment and Social Development (ESDC) may take amounts from your CPP benefits or from a death benefit payable to a deceased's estate.

    Contact ESDC at 1-800-277-9914 regarding the recovery of your CPP benefit.

    • Old Age Security (OAS)

    If you have an OAS debt, the ESDC and the CRA are authorized to take amounts from your OAS benefits or from a death benefit payable to a deceased's estate.

    Contact the CRA regarding your OAS debt.

  • Asset liens and seizures

    The CRA can get a provincial judgement or a certificate from the Federal Court confirming the amount you owe. This will make your debt a matter of public record and allow the CRA to proceed with asset liens and seizures. The CRA will usually send you a letter to advise you that if you do not resolve your account, the CRA may take further legal action to pay the debt.

    Registering a lien on assets

    Once the debt is certified, the CRA can register a lien against your assets and property, including your personal residence. Registering a lien will secure the amount of debt owing, by establishing creditor priority in the event of a sale. This means, if you sell your asset, your CRA debt is automatically paid from the proceeds of the sale, before you receive any remaining proceeds.

    Seizing and selling your assets

    If your debt remains outstanding, the CRA may get a writ or memorial to seize and sell your assets and property. This could include your car, boat, artwork, cottage, rental property, or personal residence.

    If the CRA sells your assets, the CRA will use the proceeds to pay:

    • your CRA debt
    • any costs charged by the bailiff hired to sell the assets on behalf of the CRA

    You will still have to pay any remaining debt.

Related links:

Contact the CRA
  • Calls from within Canada and the United States

    You can complete a government programs debt call request to receive a callback from a CRA agent or locate the call topic and corresponding phone number from the tables below.

    Make a payment arrangement for an existing debt
    (from within Canada and the United States)
    Call topics Phone number Hours of service
    CPP 1-866-864-5823

    Monday to Friday
    8 am to 8 pm (ET)

    Closed on public holidays

    EI 1-866-864-5841

    Monday to Friday
    8 am to 8 pm (ET)

    Closed on public holidays

    Child and family benefits 1-888-863-8662

    Monday to Friday
    7 am to 8 pm (ET)

    Closed on public holidays

    Teletypewriter (TTY) 1-800-665-0354

    Monday to Friday
    8 am to 8 pm (local time)

    9 am to 5 pm (local time)

    Closed on public holidays

    See Services for persons with disabilities for information about services and alternative contact formats.

    For general enquiries
    (from within Canada and the United States)
    Call topics Phone number Hours of service
    OAS 1-866-864-5823 Monday to Friday (except holidays)
    8 am to 8 pm (Eastern time)

  • Calls from outside Canada and the United States

    The CRA accepts collect calls by automated response. Contact your service provider or operator to initiate the collect call.

    For general enquiries
    (from outside Canada and the United States)
    Call topics Phone number Hours of service
    International government programs debt 613-221-3004 Monday to Friday (except holidays)
    8 am to 8 pm (Eastern time)

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