Privacy impact assessment summaries
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Privacy assessments
Privacy impact assessment
A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is a process used to determine how a program or service could affect the privacy of an individual. It can also help to avoid or lessen possible negative effects on privacy that might result from a program or service. Also, a PIA is a way for the federal government to state its commitment to protect the privacy of individuals. PIAs promote transparency and accountability, and contribute to continued public confidence in the way the government manages personal information.
In accordance with the Directive on Privacy Impact Assessment, the Canada Revenue Agency conducts PIAs when new programs or services raise privacy issues or changes to programs or services affect the way personal information is collected, used, or disclosed.
Privacy compliance evaluation
A privacy compliance evaluation (PCE) is a privacy assessment process used in place of a full privacy impact assessment for urgent COVID-19-related initiatives that do not continue beyond March 31, 2021. PCEs are carried out at the discretion of deputy heads or assistant deputy minister level delegates.
Privacy protocol assessment
A privacy protocol assessment (PPA) is a privacy assessment process designed to assess initiatives that have a non-administrative purpose (e.g., research, audit, evaluation or statistical purposes) to ensure that they comply with CRA's privacy practices.
Privacy assessment summaries
At the links listed by fiscal year below, you can find summaries of the results of privacy assessments that the Canada Revenue Agency has conducted.
- 2024-2025 Assessment, Benefit and Service Branch (ABSB) Contact Centre Operations v3.0
- 2024-2025 Authentication and Credential Management v4.0
- 2024-2025 Canada Emergency Benefits, Canada Recovery Benefits, and Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit Validation and Compliance
- 2024-2025 Charities Program
- 2024-2025 Community Volunteer Income Tax Program v2.0
- 2024-2025 Corporation Returns and Payment Processing Program V4.0
- 2024-2025 Disability Tax Credit Program v2.0
- 2024-2025 Employer Accounts Program PIA v3.0 IC-129717
- 2024-2025 GST/HST Audit and Examination
- 2024-2025 Human Resources Business Intelligence
- 2024-2025 Identity Protection Services
- 2024-2025 Offshore Tax Informant Program v3.0
- 2024-2025 Online Staffing Assessment Platform – VidCruiter v2.0
- 2024-2025 Objections Program
- 2024-2025 Registered Deferred Income and Savings Plans Program
- 2024-2025 Service Feedback Program v1.0
- 2024-2025 Taxpayer Relief Program v1.0
- 2024-2025 Tax-Free Savings Initiatives v2.0
- 2023-2024 Anonymous Internal Fraud and Misuse Reporting Line v4.0
- 2023-2024 Business Intelligence and Compliance Risk Assessments v2.0
- 2023-2024 Common Reporting Standard Income Tax Act Part XIX v2.0
- 2023-2024 COVID-19 Subsidy Initiatives for Business Entities
- 2023-2024 Criminal Investigations Program v2.0
- 2023-2024 Excise and Specialty Tax Program
- 2023-2024 Goods and Services Tax / Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) Credit and Related Benefits and Credits v 2.0
- 2023-2024 Income Verification Services v4.0
- 2023-2024 Individual Returns Assessment Program v3.0
- 2023-2024 Leads Program v3.0
- 2023-2024 Monitoring of Electronic Access to Taxpayer Information v3.0
- 2023-2024 One-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit v2.0
- 2023-2024 Registered Disability Savings Plan v2.0
- 2023-2024 Scientific Research & Experimental Development v4.0
- 2023-2024 Tax Appeals to the Court Program
- 2023-2024 Voluntary Disclosures Program v2.0
- 2023-2024 Workload Development and Business Intelligence: Business Compliance Programs
- 2022-2023 Authentication and Credential Management v3.0
- 2022-2023 Canada Dental Benefit
- 2022-2023 Canada Dental Benefit v2.0
- 2022-2023 Insider Risk Management (Guardian) Program – Phase I
- 2022-2023 One-time Top-up Canada Housing Benefit
- 2022-2023 Recovery Benefits v2.0
- 2022-2023 Vaccination Policy for the Canada Revenue Agency
- 2021-2022 Anonymous Internal Fraud and Misuse Reporting Line
- 2021-2022 Business Refund Set-off Program v 2.0
- 2021-2022 Canada Emergency Student Benefit
- 2021-2022 Canada Recovery Benefits
- 2021-2022 Corporation Returns and Payment Processing Program v3.0
- 2021-2022 COVID-19 One time Disability Payment
- 2021-2022 COVID-19 Benefits Contact Centre Contract
- 2021-2022 EFILE Online Services
- 2021-2022 Income Verification Services v 3.0
- 2021-2022 Individual Refund Set-off Program v 2.0
- 2021-2022 Individual Returns Assessment Program v 2.0
- 2021-2022 Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson v 2.0
- 2021-2022 Part XIII Non-Resident Withholding Program
- 2021-2022 Pooled Registered Pension Plans Program
- 2019-2020Corporations and GST/HST Compliance Programs
- 2019-2020VidCruiter
- 2019-2020Business intelligence research and development environment v 2.0
- 2019-2020Leads Program v 2.0
- 2019-2020Corporation Returns and Payment Processing Program
- 2019-2020Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program v 3.0
- 2019-2020Monitoring of electronic access to taxpayer information v 2.0
- 2019-2020Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman
- 2019-2020Film and Media Tax Credit Program v 2.0
- 2019-2020Individual Returns Assessment Program
- 2019-2020Business Number & Program Account Registration
- 2019-2020Voluntary Disclosures Program (VDP)
- 2018-2019 Government of Canada Business Number Adoption: Web Validation Service v 2.0
- 2018-2019 Specialty Business Returns Program v 2.0
- 2018-2019 T3 Trust Returns Assessing v 2.0
- 2018-2019 Income Verification Services v 2.0
- 2018-2019 GST/HST Returns Rebates Processing Program
- 2018-2019 Anonymous internal fraud and misuse reporting line v 2.0
- 2018-2019 Employer Compliance Audit v 2.0
- 2018-2019 Individual Refund Set-off Program
- 2018-2019 Contact Centre Operations v 2.0
- 2018-2019 Collections Tax Programs
- 2018-2019 Trust Accounts Examination v 2.0
- 2018-2019 Employer Accounts Program v 2.0
- 2017-2018 Non-Filer Program
- 2017-2018 Corporation Income Tax Return Assessment Program
- 2017-2018 Specialty Business Returns Program
- 2017-2018 GST/HST Returns and Rebates Program v 2.0
- 2017-2018 Community volunteer Income Tax Program
- 2017-2018 Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program
- 2017-2018 T3 Trust Returns Assessing
- 2017-2018 Identity & Access Management - Phase 4
- 2017-2018Common Reporting Standard - ITA Part XIX
- 2017-2018 Government of Canada Business Number Adoption: Web Validation Service Summary
- 2017-2018 Monitoring of Electronic Access to Taxpayer Information
- 2016-2017Employer Accounts
- 2016-2017 Collections – Government Programs
- 2016-2017 Small and Medium Enterprises Income Tax Audit and Examinations
- 2016-2017 Working Income Tax Benefit Advance Payments
- 2016-2017 Part XIII Non-Resident Withholding Program
- 2016-2017 Authentication and Credential Management Services v 2.0
- 2016-2017 Employer Compliance Audit
- 2016-2017 Trust Accounts Examination
- 2016-2017 Film and Media Tax Credits Program
- 2016-2017 Business Intelligence Research and Development Environment
- 2016-2017 Income Verification Services
- 2016-2017 Business Intelligence & Compliance Risk Assessments
- 2016-2017 CRA Anonymous Internal Fraud and Misuse Reporting Line
- 2016-2017 Criminal Investigations Program
- 2016-2017 Canada Child Benefits
- 2016-2017 Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax Credit
- 2016-2017 Children's Special Allowance
- 2016-2017 International and Large Business Income Tax Audit and Examination
- 2016-2017 Collections and Verification Business Intelligence
- 2016-2017 Disability Tax Credit Program
- 2016-2017 Business Refund Set-off Program
- 2016-2017 Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program
- 2014-2015 and earlier International Electronic Funds Transfers Business Intelligence
- 2014-2015 and earlier GST/HST Returns and Rebates Processing Program
- 2014-2015 and earlier Scientific Research and Experimental Development Incentive Program - Enhanced Expenditures Claim Form T661
- 2014-2015 and earlier Taxpayer Services Directorate Telephone Enquiries Program
- 2014-2015 and earlier Authentication and Credential Management Services
- 2014-2015 and earlier T1 Residency Project
- ATIP Online Request Pilot Project
- 2014-2015 and earlier Foreign Income Verification Statement (Form T1135)
- 2014-2015 and earlier Personnel Security Screening - Reliability Status + (Archived)
- 2014-2015 and earlier Identity and Access Management - Phase 2
- 2014-2015 and earlier Offshore Tax Informant Program (OTIP)
- 2014-2015 and earlier Contracting Integrity Verification
- 2014-2015 and earlier Leads Repository
- 2014-2015 and earlier Professional Networking Space (CRA Wiki)
- 2014-2015 and earlier Charities - Public Safety and Anti-Terrorism
- 2014-2015 and earlier Registered Disability Savings Plans
- 2014-2015 and earlier Tax-Free Savings Account
- 2014-2015 and earlier Data Infrastructure
- 2014-2015 and earlier Data Mining
- 2014-2015 and earlier Business Rules Engine
- 2014-2015 and earlier T3010B (09) Registered Charities information Return
- 2014-2015 and earlier The Agency Data Warehouse (ADW)
- 2014-2015 and earlier Interactive warning system products
More information
If you have questions about privacy assessments at the Canada Revenue Agency, contact:
Privacy Risk Management Section
Access to Information and Privacy Directorate
555 MacKenzie Avenue, 5th Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5
613-960-5393 (Ottawa area)
1-866-333-5402 (toll free)
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2025-01-17