Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2011-2014


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Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2011-2014

From April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2014

(Revised 2012)


The Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) Sustainable Development (SD) National Action Plan 2011-2014 outlines the main activities that the CRA will undertake to advance its Sustainable Development Strategy. It sets a course of action to reduce the impacts of our operations and service delivery on the environment; lever sustainable development to enhance business objectives and realize efficiencies; and demonstrate how the CRA contributes to the economic and social well-being of Canadians, businesses, clients and partners.

The Government of Canada tabled its first Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) in Parliament on October 6, 2010. The FSDS Footnote 1 represents a whole of government approach to meeting common SD objectives. The CRA is implicated by certain targets within Theme four of the Federal Strategy, which are identified in the SD National Action Plan by the following icon:

Overview of the CRA SD National Action Plan

To demonstrate the impact of CRA business on the three pillars of sustainable development, the SD National Action Plan is structured under two sections - environmental sustainability, which is supported by Goal 1; and socio-economic sustainability, which is supported by Goals 2 and 3. The three goals are enabled by 9 long-term objectives, 15 targets and 48 activities. Each activity is associated to a target, measure, output, accountability and a due date. The Action Plan will be implemented through functional, branch and regional action plans, and will be revised annually to keep current with Agency priorities. The diagram provides an overview of the SD National Action Plan.

Environmental Sustainability
Goal 1: Minimize the impact of our operations on the natural environment (land, air, water)
Long-term outcome: Zero waste to landfill
Objective 1.1: Reduce and manage solid waste
Long-term outcome: 100% green procurement
Objective 1.2: Increase green procurement
Long-term outcome: Paperless office
Objective 1.3: Reduce paper consumption
Long-term outcome: Carbon-neutral operations
Objective 1.4: Reduce GHG emissions
Long-term outcome: Zero pollution
Objective 1.5: Comply with Federal regulations
  • Implement "No Waste" program in 90% of facilities (2014)
  • CRA will reuse or recycle all surplus EEE in an environmentally sound and secure manner(2014)
  • Achieve an 8:1 average ratio of employees to printing units (2013)
  • 10% of spending on products and services will be green procurement (2014)
    • SD clauses in:
      • contracts
      • performance agreements and performance expectations
      • procurement management processes
    • Procurement officers with procurement authority have received green procurement training
  • Reduce office paper use per FTE equivalent by 28% from baseline year 2005-2006 (2014)
    • Paper reduction campaigns
    • Reduce paper use from ATIP
    • Convert internal forms to intra-forms
  • Reduce the paper used for external publications by 10% from baseline year 2008-2009 (2014)
    • Measure paper used for external publications
    • SD criteria in the CRA Publishing Policy
  • Reduce GHG emissions from fleet vehicles by 5% from baseline year 2005-2006 (2014)
    • Buy and maintain fuel efficient vehicles
    • Train fleet users
  • Promote sustainable business travel options and inform employees on sustainable commuting options (2014)
    • Promote and support sustainable travel options
    • Reduce the real property footprint through alternative work arrangements
    • Introduce/update SD criteria in facility site selection and leasing processes
  • Promote energy conservation related to office equipment and implement energy conservation initiatives in data centres (2014)
  • Improve the management of halocarbon containing equipment and petroleum storage tank systems (2014)
    • Maintain an up-to-date national halocarbon inventory
    • Develop and communicate halocarbon product replacement plans to replace/eliminate outdated systems
    • Maintain an up-to-date CRA petroleum storage tank system inventory
    • Ensure that the CRA petroleum storage tank systems comply with Federal regulations
Socio-Economic Sustainability
Goal 2: Deliver sustainable programs and services to Canadians
Long-term outcome: 100% E-options for tax/benefits
Objective 2.1 Increase electronic service and program delivery
  • Taxpayers and benefit recipients have more electronic service options (2014)
    • Develop and release new electronic service options
    • Measure the SD benefits of CRA electronic services
Socio-Economic Sustainability
Goal 3: Improve business sustainability
Long-term outcome: Sustainable workforce
Objective 3.1: Improve sustainability in human resources management
Long-term outcome: Sustainable IT capacity
Objective 3.2 Incorporate SD in IT processes
Long-term outcome: SD in corporate culture
Objective 3.3 Integrate SD into CRA accountability framework
  • Employees have increased access to electronic training and learning options (2014)
    • Develop and deliver the SD component within the Manager Learning Program
    • Provide employees with more electronic learning options
  • Employees have access to new SD communications products and training materials (2014)
    • Develop an SD online course
    • Modernize the management of the SD Program
  • SD considerations are integrated into the life cycle management of IT processes and infrastructure (2014)
    • Include SD criteria in ITB project templates
    • Include SD considerations into ITB training and learning products
    • Measure and communicate SD benefits of IT improvements
  • SD is integrated into corporate accountability framework (2014)
    • Integrate SD in corporate plans and reports
    • Include SD measures in performance agreements (100% of ECs and 90% of MGs)
    • Integrate SD criteria into corporate templates, policies, programs, plans
    • Update the SD Line of Enquiry for use in internal audits

Accountability and Reporting

The Federal Sustainable Development Act (2008)changes the way that departments and agencies account for sustainable development. The CRA will now table its SD strategy in Parliament through its annual Report on Plans and Priorities, and report SD performance through its Departmental Performance Report. To support the SD strategy, the Agency has prepared an internal strategy document that details our interventions to advance the three pillars of sustainable development at the CRA. We will also prepare detailed annual reports on the performance of our SD Program.

To implement the plan, we have identified Offices of Primary Interest (OPI), Offices of Collaborating Interest (OCI), and partners. The OPIs are responsible for taking the lead in implementing the activity and are fully accountable for its completion. The OCIs and partners are accountable for providing support to the OPI to complete the activity.

The primary groups responsible for advising on, implementing, or reporting on activities in the Plan are:

  • Sustainable Development Steering Committee (SDSC) and Sustainable Development (SD) Champions: The role of the SDSC is to guide the work of the SD Centre of Expertise, report to the Agency Management Committee on progress with the SD Strategy, and influence senior executives towards integrating sustainable development considerations into their decision-making. The members of the SDSC are the two SD Champions at the Assistant Commissioner-level, the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Commissioner of the Finance and Administration Branch, the Director General of the Strategic Management and Program Support Directorate, and staff of the SD Centre of Expertise.
  • Sustainable Development Centre of Expertise(SD CoE): This is a dedicated group of employees in Headquarters situated within the Strategic Management and Program Support Directorate of the Finance and Administration Branch. The area is responsible for consulting on and updating CRA SD strategies; and for updating and implementing annually the SD National Action Plan. The area also consolidates CRA-wide performance on SD for reports to employees, Agency Management Committee, Board of Management, and to Parliament. It responds to internal audit enquiries and requests from the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development. It also leads sustainable development communications, learning, and events; provides expertise and advice to employee requests for information; and provides leadership and technical support to the SD Network.
  • Sustainable Development (SD) Network: Each branch and region has appointed an SD Representative; in turn, these appoint SD Coordinators in Branches, and SD Liaisons in the Regions. These positions are the main vehicle for communicating with employees, and in understanding unique branch and regional challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. The SD Representatives are selected from within the management cadre and are responsible for coordinating SD communications within their area of responsibility. They also play a key role in integrating SD considerations at their respective management tables. The Branch SD Coordinators and the Regional SD Liaisons support the SD program by facilitating the organization of the CRA's national SD events and by ensuring that local SD committees are thriving. Most branches and regions have SD committees to support their work.
  • Functions: A function is a sector of the CRA (entire Branch or Directorate) that is the owner of a process, or that is recognized as the authority over an area of expertise, at the corporate level. This SD Strategy has identified six functional areas. A subset of the SD National action plan, a Functional action plan outlines the activities that a particular functional area of the CRA will undertake to advance the CRA SD Strategy. The activities described in the functional plan are to be led and managed by the function, with the SD centre of expertise available as a resource when particular assistance or problem scenarios deem it necessary. The function is responsible for implementing its activities throughout all branches and regions, as required. Ultimately, the function will gather performance data on those activities. The SD Centre of expertise is to assist the functions in determining appropriate ways to implement the activities. It will also analyze the performance data and report, as appropriate, through the CRA Annual Report on SD and the CRA Departmental Performance Report.
  • Branches: The branches are the key to integrating sustainable development into CRA business decisions. By integrating sustainable development into their functional areas of responsibility, branches can affect change at the corporate level. All Assistant Commissioners have approved this National Action Plan, are accountable for their commitments and for implementing the supporting functional plans.
  • Regions: The majority of CRA employees are located in the regions and deliver CRA programs directly to Canadians. All regional Assistant Commissioners have approved this Plan. With the assistance of their SD regional Liaison and Representative, local offices define specific roles for promoting awareness to employees at the local level.
  • Partnerships: The SD Centre of Expertise and the SD Network liaise with other government departments (OGDs) and organizations through various national, regional and local working groups. These partnerships help to reduce duplication of effort, learn about best practices, and ensure that our strategy and action plans reflect the priorities of the Government of Canada. We also rely on partners, such as our facilities service provider, to advance specific targets in our strategy.
  • Management: Management at all levels, including the Board of Management, are responsible for providing support and direction for planning and implementing sustainable development activities at the CRA.
  • Employees: Sustainable development is a shared responsibility throughout the CRA. All employees are responsible for being aware of the principles of sustainable development, and for applying these principles in their work. The CRA SD policy provides details on roles and responsibilities in relation to sustainable development for all employees.

Internal Accountability, Monitoring, and Reporting for Sustainable Development

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Accountable Bodies

  • Board of Management
    • Roles: Reviews and Approves
    • Documents:
      • SD input in *RPP/DPR & CBP/AR
      • SD Strategy
      • SD Annual Performance Report
  • Agency Management Committee
    • Roles: Reviews and Approves
    • Documents:
      • SD input in *RPP/DPR & CBP/AR
      • SD Strategy
      • SD Annual Performance Report
  • SD Steering Committee
    • Roles
      • Develops Strategies/plans
      • Monitors Performance
      • Evaluates Performance
    • Documents:
      • SD National Action Plan
      • Functional/Brand and Regional action plans and reports
  • SD Centre of Expertise
    • Roles
      • Develops Strategies/plans
      • Monitors Performance
      • Evaluates Performance
    • Documents:
      • SD National Action Plan
      • Functional/Brand and Regional action plans and reports
  • Functions
    • Roles: Report through SD PR Tool
    • Documents:
      • SD National Action Plan
      • Functional/Branch and Regional action plans and reports

* RPP/DPR: Report on Plans and Priorities/Departmental Performance Report
CBP/AR: Corporate Business Plan/Annual report

Theme: environmental sustainability

Goal 1: Minimize the impact of our operations on the natural environment (land, air, and water)

Objective 1.1: Reduce and manage solid waste
Long-term outcome: Zero waste to landfill
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 1.1.1
Target 1.1.1: By March 31, 2014, CRA will have the No Waste program in 90% of facilities

Measure: Percentage of facilities with the No Waste program Implement the No Waste program in additional facilities (Annual) No Waste program in additional facilities F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/F&A (RPSID) Develop and promote a CRA Composting Implementation
Guide and promotion activities F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/ - Footnote 2 Develop and promote a CRA Green Office and Meeting Guide Footnote 3 (Annual) Guide and promotion activities F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/ - Implement battery recycling programs in additional facilities (Annual) Battery recycling programs in additional facilities F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/F&A (RPSID)
Target 1.1.2
Target 1.1.2: By March 31, 2014, CRA will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner

Measure: Percentage of facilities with implemented EEE disposal plans Establish a national implementation plan for the disposal of all surplus EEE (2012) National EEE disposal implementation plan F&A (AD)/ITB/ F&A (SD CoE) Implement surplus EEE disposal programs in facilities (Annual) Facilities with EEE disposal programs F&A (AD)/ ITB - Track and report on EEE directed to established disposal mechanisms (e.g., CFS, CAD, provincial programs), where feasible (2014) EEE disposal reports F&A (AD)/ITB/ -
Target 1.1.3
Target 1.1.3: By March 31, 2013, CRA will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of employees to printing units where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow

Measure: Employees to printing units ratio Develop and implement a national printing device consolidation initiative to reduce the number of printing units (2012) Printing device consolidation initiative implemented F&A (AD)/ITB, F&A (SDCoE)/ SD Network Develop a national inventory of printing units (Annual) Inventory of printing units F&A (AD)/ITB/F&A(SD CoE)
Objective 1.2: Increase green procurement
Long-term outcome: 100% green procurement
Targets and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 1.2.1
Target 1.2.1: By March 31, 2014, 10% of CRA spending on products and services will be green procurement

Measure: Percentage of annual green procurement spending on products and services Include SD clauses and environmental specifications in all new contractual arrangements valued over $1M (Annual) Contractual arrangements with SD clauses and environmental specifications F&A (AD)/F&A (SDCoE)/ - Include green procurement criteria in all new publication contractual arrangements (Annual) Green publications PAB (EPMD)/F&A (AD)/F&A (SDCoE) Ensure all procurement officers with procurement authority have received green procurement training (Annual) Green procurement training report F&A (AD)/F&A (SD CoE)/ - Include environmental measures in the performance agreements or expectations of all managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management (Annual) Performance agreements or performance expectations with environmental measures F&A (AD)/F&A (SD CoE)/ - Ensure 75% of procurement management processes and controls include environmental considerations based on PWGSC Guideline Footnote 4 (2014) Procurement processes and controls with environmental considerations F&A (AD)/F&A (SD CoE)/ -
Objective 1.3: Reduce paper consumption
Long-term outcome: Paperless options for all CRA internal and external programs
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 1.3.1
Target 1.3.1: By March 31, 2014, CRA will reduce office paper use per full-time equivalent (FTE) by 28% Footnote 5 from baseline year 2005-2006

Measure: Percentage reduction of office paper purchased per FTE from baseline year Coordinate a national paper reduction campaign (Annual) Paper reduction campaign F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/ - Support Agency paper reduction initiatives, including the 2008 Agency Paper Use Scan initiatives (Annual) Paper reduction initiatives F&A (SDCoE)/ SD Network/ - Revise the procedures for processing Access to Information Act and Privacy Act (ATIP) requests to reduce paper use requirements and realize efficiencies (2014) Revised ATIP procedures PAB (ATIPD)/F&A (SDCoE)/ - Convert internal forms to Intra-form Footnote 6 format (Annual) Intra-forms PAB (PSD)/ F&A (SD), SD Network/ - Formally update the CRA paper reduction directive and expand the scope to include paper used for external publications Footnote 7 2013 Updated directive F&A (SD CoE)/ PAB (EPMD)/ -
Target 1.3.2: By March 31, 2014, the CRA will reduce the paper used for external publications by 10% from baseline year 2008-2009

Measure: Percentage reduction of paper used for external publications Measure paper used for external publications (Annual) External publications paper use report PAB (EPMD)/F&A (SDCoE)/ - Introduce/update SD criteria in the CRA publishing policy (2014) Updated policy PAB (EPMD)/F&A (SDCoE)/ -
Objective 1.4: Reduce GHG emissions
Long-term outcome: Carbon neutral operations
Target and measure Activity Outputs Accountability
Target 1.4.1
Target 1.4.1: By March 31, 2014, CRA will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fleet vehicles by 5% from baseline year 2005-2006 Footnote 8

Measure: Percentage reduction of GHG emissions from fleet Ensure all vehicles purchased are right-sized and most fuel efficient in class based on operational requirements (Annual) Right-sized and most fuel efficient in class vehicles purchased F&A (AD)/F&A (SDCoE)/ - Promote fleet management training initiatives to fleet managers and drivers (2012) Promotion activities F&A (AD)/Regional fleet managers, F&A (SD CoE)/ -
Target 1.4.2
Target 1.4.2: By March 31, 2014, CRA will promote sustainable business travel options and inform employees on sustainable commuting options

Measure: Number of promotion activities and information products. Introduce SD criteria in policy instruments and processes related to business and commuter travel during regular review cycles (Annual) Updated policy instruments and processes F&A (FAD, RPSID, AD), HRB/F&A (SD CoE)/ - Promote and support sustainable travel options (Annual) Promotion and support activities F&A (FAD, AD, SD CoE)/ SD Network/ - Introduce/update SD criteria in facility site selection and leasing processes (2014) Updated site selection and lease processes F&A (RPSID)/F&A (SDCoE)/ - Prepare recommendations report for realizing efficiencies from alternative work arrangements (2013) Recommendations report F&A (SD CoE)/ F&A (RPSID)/ - Reduce the CRA real property footprint through alternative work arrangements (2014) Reduced accommodation requirements F&A (RPSID)/ SD Network
Target 1.4.3
Target 1.4.3: By March 31, 2014, the CRA will promote energy conservation related to office equipment and implement energy conservation initiatives in data centres

Measure: Energy conservation promotions and initiatives Promote energy conservation best practices (Annual) Promotion activities F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/ - Implement energy conservation initiatives in CRA data centres (2013) Energy conservation initiatives ITB/F&A (SD CoE), F&A (RPSID)/ -
Objective 1.5: Comply with federal regulations
Long-term outcome: Zero pollution
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 1.5.1
Target 1.5.1: By March 31, 2014 CRA will improve the management of halocarbon containing equipment Footnote 9 and petroleum storage tank systems Footnote 10

Measure: Percentage of CRA facilities with up-to-date halocarbon and petroleum storage tank system inventories; Number and amount of halocarbon releases Maintain an up-to-date CRA national halocarbon inventory (Annual) National halocarbon inventory F&A (SD CoE)/SD Network/F&A (RPSID) Develop and communicate halocarbon product replacement plans to replace/eliminate outdated systems (2013) Product replacement recommendations report F&A (SDCoE)/SD Network/ - Maintain an up-to-date CRA petroleum storage tank system inventory (Annual) Petroleum storage tank system inventory F&A (RPSID)/ITB/ - Ensure that CRA petroleum storage tank systems comply with Federal regulations (2013) Federal regulations compliance F&A (RPSID)/ITB/ -

Theme: Socio-economic sustainability Footnote 11

Goal 2: Deliver sustainable programs and services to Canadians

Objective 2.1: Increase electronic service and program delivery
Long-term outcome: Electronic options for 100% of tax and benefit services
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 2.1.1
Target 2.1.1: Taxpayers and benefit recipients have more electronic service options

Measure: Percentage of electronic options for tax and benefit services Develop and release new electronic service options to taxpayers and benefits recipients (Annual) New electronic service options (e.g., My Account, My Business Account, Benefit Online Application, Automated Benefit Application, Electronic Transfer of Accounting Data) ABSB, CPB, LPRAB, TSDMB/ - / - Establish criteria and measure the SD benefits of CRA electronic services (Annual) SD benefits are measured F&A (SD)/ ABSB, CPB, LPRAB, TSDMB/ -

Goal 3: Improve business sustainability

Objective 3.1: Improve sustainability in human resources management
Long-term outcome: Sustainable workforce
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 3.1.1
Target 3.1.1: Employees have increased access to electronic training and learning options

Measure: New e-learning products and processes Develop and deliver the SD component within the Manager Learning Program - MGLP (Annual) SD component in MGLP is developed and continues to be delivered F&A (SD CoE)/
HRB/ - Increase and promote electronic options to minimize the need for printed training and learning materials (2014) New electronic training and learning options F&A (SDCoE)/HRB (TLD)/ -
Target 3.1.2: Employees have access to new SD communications products and training materials.

Measure: Number of new communications products and training materials Develop and promote an SD online learning product for employees (2014) Online SD learning product is available for employees; online knowledge transfer guide for MGs and ECs; e-learning solutions for auditors by 2014 F&A (SD CoE)/
SD Network/ - Update the SD Program management and communication (2014) SD program and communications are adapted to new organizational model F&A (SD CoE)/ - / -
Objective 3.2: Incorporate SD in information technology processes
Long-term outcome: Sustainable information technology services and infrastructure
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 3.2.1
Target 3.2.1: SD considerations are integrated into the life cycle management of IT processes and infrastructure

Measure: Types of SD considerations included in IT management Integrate SD criteria in ITB project templates (2014) SD criteria in project templates ITB/F&A (SD CoE)/ - Integrate SD considerations into ITB training and learning products (Annual) IT training/learning products include SD (i.e., Welcome Aboard and Setting the Compass) ITB/F&A (SD CoE)/ - Measure and communicate the SD benefits associated with IT improvements (2013) Report on the SD benefits of IT improvements ITB/F&A (SD CoE)/ -
Objective 3.3: Integrate SD into CRA accountability framework
Long-term outcome: SD is part of the corporate culture
Target and measure Activity Output Accountability
Target 3.3.1
Target 3.3.1: SD is integrated into corporate accountability framework

Measure: Types of corporate documents and templates that have integrated SD Integrate SD into corporate plans and reports (Annual) SD integrated into RPP/CBP, DPR/ Annual Report F&A (SMPSD)/SIB, SD Network/ - Continue integrating SD measures into EC performance agreements and MG performance expectations (Annual) SD measures integrated in 100% of EC performance agreements and 90% of MG performance expectations HRB, SIB/F&A (SD CoE)/ - Integrate SD criteria into key corporate templates (Annual) SD criteria integrated into key Agency templates (RIMC, Strategic Investment, Benefits Measurement Plan, FACS) F&A (RMD, SMPSD)/CAEB/ F&A (SDCoE) Use the SD Criteria Tool to integrate SD considerations into CRA policies, programs, plans, and projects (2014) CRA Policies, programs, plans, and projects include sustainability criteria ABSB, CPB, HRB, ITB, TSDMB/F&A (SDCoE)/ - Update the SD Line of Enquiry for use in internal audits (2013) SD Line of Enquiry updated CAEB/F&A (SD CoE)/ -

Appendix 1: Definitions of Terminology and Acronyms


This symbol indicates that the activity directly supports the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy of the Government of Canada

Long-term outcome - A high-level statement about the desired results of our actions towards sustainable development.

Goal - A statement indicating a desired result that is long-term and strategic, and achievable within a 15-year period (i.e., over the span of five three-year strategies). It focuses on key priorities and is related to those areas where the CRA can make the biggest difference towards sustainable development.

Objective - A clear statement that subdivides a goal into focus areas. With a time horizon of ten years or more, it will span two or more strategies.

Target - A statement that subdivides an objective into specific commitments. It is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time bound), is usually achievable within a three-year period, and will lead towards achieving objectives.

Activity - A short-term action that, in combination with other activities, will lead to achieving a target.

Activity output - The result of an activity, which is often a document or service provided.

Performance measure - A qualitative or quantitative measurement that determines whether or not a target has been met.

Accountability (OPI/OCI/Partner) - Indicates who is responsible for completing the activity. The group listed first in the "Accountability" column of the Action Plan is designated as the Office of Primary Interest (OPI). The group listed second in the column is designated as the Office of Collaborating Interest (OCI). The group listed third in the column is designated as a partner. The OPIs are responsible for taking the lead in implementing the activity, and are fully accountable for its completion. The OCIs are accountable for providing support to the OPI to complete the activity, while the OPI will approach the partner for input.


ABSB - Assessment and Benefit Services Branch

CAEB - Corporate Audit and Evaluation Branch

CPB - Compliance Programs Branch

F&A (AD) - Finance and Administration Branch (Administration Directorate)

F&A (RPSID) - Finance and Administration Branch (Real Property and Service Integration Directorate)

F&A (SDCoE) - Finance and Administration Branch (Sustainable DevelopmentCentre of Expertise)

F&A (SMPSD) - Finance and Administration Branch (Strategic Management and Program Support Directorate)

FTE - Full-time equivalent employee

HRB - Human Resources Branch

HRB (TLD) - Human Resources Branch (Training and Learning Directorate)

ITB - Information Technology Branch

LPRAB - Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch

PAB (AIPD) - Public Affairs Branch (Agency Intranet Program Division)

PAB (ATIPD) - Public Affairs Branch (Access to Information and Privacy Directorate)

PAB (EPMD) - Public Affairs Branch (Electronic and Print Media Directorate)

PWGSC - Public Works and Government Services Canada

SD Network - Sustainable Development Network (a committee with representation from all branches and regions)

SIB - Strategy and Integration Branch

TSDMB - Taxpayer Services and Debt Management Branch


Footnote 1

See the Federal SD Strategy at Website:

Return to footnote1 referrer

Footnote 2

This commitment contributes to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) and has mandatory annual accountability requirements in CRA Report on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Report.

Return to footnote2 referrer

Footnote 3

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy states that each department must adopt a guide for green meetings by March 31, 2012.

Return to footnote3 referrer

Footnote 4

Federal Sustainable Development Strategy Guideline for Target 8.11 - Setting Green Procurement Management Framework Targets - is available through the SD Centre of Expertise.

Return to footnote4 referrer

Footnote 5

This target exceeds the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy target of 20%.

Return to footnote5 referrer

Footnote 6

Intra-forms are online internal forms that offer increased security, user-friendliness, accessibility, adaptability, and process efficiencies. More information is available through the SD Centre of Expertise.

Return to footnote6 referrer

Footnote 7

External paper used for publications includes paper used in CRA print to mail systems and paper used in external printing shops contracted by the CRA.

Return to footnote7 referrer

Footnote 8

This target supports the Federal SDS target to reduce GHG emissions from fleet by 17% from 2005-2006 levels by 2020.

Return to footnote8 referrer

Footnote 9

Halocarbons are chemicals found in refrigeration systems such as water coolers, refrigerators, and air conditioners.

Return to footnote9 referrer

Footnote 10

Petroleum storage tank system means a tank or commonly connected tanks and all piping, vents, pumps, sumps, diking, overfill protection devices, spill containment devices and oil-water separators.

Return to footnote10 referrer

Footnote 11

All targets under Goals 2 and 3 will be assessed against their performance measure(s) at the conclusion of the SD National Action Plan 2011 2014 time period: March 31, 2014.

Return to footnote11 referrer

Page details

Date modified: