Income Tax Severed Letters - 2022-03-09

Technical Interpretation - External

22 February 2022 External T.I. 2022-0922921E5 - CEWS, THRP, & HHBRP

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125.7(2.01), 125.7(14.1)
definitions of “company,” “publicly traded company,” and “subsidiary”

Principal Issues: 1. Whether subsection 125.7(2.01) may apply in respect of (a) only actual dividends, or (b) both actual dividends and deemed dividends.
2. What is the meaning of “common share”?
3. What is the meaning of “publicly traded company”?
4. What is the meaning of “subsidiary”?

Position: 1. A “taxable dividend” is defined, for the purposes of the Act, in subsection 89(1) of the Act. A taxable dividend may include a dividend that is deemed to be paid by a provision of the Act.
2. A “common share” is defined, for the purposes of the Act, in subsection 248(1) of the Act as a share the holder of which is not precluded on the reduction or redemption of the capital stock from participating in the assets of the corporation beyond the amount paid up on that share plus a fixed premium and a defined rate of dividend. A share that does not fall within the above-noted definition is not a common share.
3. For the purposes of subsections 125.7(2.01) and (14.1) of the Act, we would consider a publicly traded company as a company the shares of the capital stock of which are listed or traded on a stock exchange or other public market. A company would include a non-resident company. The term “company” refers to a corporation and would not include a partnership or trust.
4. For the purposes of subsections 125.7(2.01) and (14.1) of the Act, we would consider a subsidiary of a publicly traded company to be a corporation over which the publicly traded corporation exercises de jure control either directly or indirectly.

Reasons: See comments.

14 February 2022 External T.I. 2020-0851361E5 - CEWS - Consolidated qualifying revenue

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the broadest level of consolidation should be used for CEWS purposes

Principal Issues: 1) Whether an eligible entity that is part of a group who prepare consolidated financial statements in accordance with their normal accounting practices would use the consolidated financial statements when determining their “qualifying revenue”.
2) Where there are multiple levels of consolidated financial statements prepared, whether an eligible entity may choose which level of statements are used to determine consolidated qualifying revenue.

Position: 1) Yes.
2) No, the broadest set of consolidated financial statements must be used.

Reasons: see response.

2 December 2021 External T.I. 2021-0898441E5 - XXXXXXXXXX paid sick days

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5(1), 9(1), 12(1)(x), 153(1)(a)
wage-reimbursement payments received by employers were s. 9 income
COVID (or other) sick-leave payments are s. 5(1) income

Principal Issues: 1. The tax treatment of payments made by a Province to eligible employers under a COVID-19 Sick-Leave Reimbursement Program. 2. Whether the Province is required to report these payments on an information slip. 3. The tax treatment of sick leave paid to employees by an employer for COVID-19 related leaves. 4. The reporting and withholding requirements for sick leave payments made by an employer.

Position: 1. Payments provided to eligible employers are included in income under subsection 9(1) or paragraph 12(1)(x) of the Act. 2. No. The Province is not required to prepare an information slip to report payments made to eligible employers under the SLRP. 3. Sick leave payments made by an employer to an employee for COVID-19 related leave are required to be included in income under subsection 5(1). 4. Payments included in employment income as salary and wages are subject to income tax, CPP, and EI withholdings, and are reported on a T4 slip.

Reasons: See response.

15 March 2019 External T.I. 2018-0766021E5 - Obligation to prepare T4A slips

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Regulation 200(2)(a)
where X makes a payment at the direction of Y, X need not issue a T4A to the payment recipient
the payer is the person who has discretion and control over the funds
Words and Phrases

Principal Issues: Whether a university is required to prepare T4A slips, and file the related information returns with the CRA, when it pays out funds received from a foreign government?

Position: No.

Reasons: If the university does not have discretion and control of the funds.