Income Tax Severed Letters - 2021-09-29


2020 Ruling 2019-0801011R3 - Article 13(4) of the Treaty

Unedited CRA Tags
2(3), 69, 115, 116, 248(1) "taxable Canadian property" & "treaty-protected property", Canada-XXXXXXXXXX Income Tax Convention, Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, XXXXXXXXXX, Interpretation Act
a Treaty exempted the gain on the sale of a non-resident holding company holding Canadian vacant land
children under 18 had the legal capacity to give a s. 116(5.02) notice

Principal Issues: Whether a capital gain on the disposition of shares of a XXXXXXXXXX. resident corporation by a XXXXXXXXXX resident individual is subject to tax in Canada where the value of the shares is derived principally from immovable property situated in Canada.

Position: No, provided the individual is regarded as a resident of XXXXXXXXXX pursuant to Article 4 of the Treaty.

Reasons: As a result of the non-application of Article 13(4) of the Treaty, the gain is only taxable in XXXXXXXXXX pursuant to Article 13(6).

Technical Interpretation - External

27 July 2021 External T.I. 2021-0877921E5 - Compensation paid for clinical research studies

Unedited CRA Tags
3, 5(1), 9(1), 153(1), 237(1.1), 237(2), Regulation 200(1)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether compensation paid for clinical research studies is taxable income. 2. Whether the payer is required to issue a tax slip to the participant. 3. Whether the filing requirement can be waived for the payer.

Position: Yes. Yes. No.

Reasons: Consistent with prior published positions.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

18 July 2018 Internal T.I. 2018-0766441I7 - Article XXIX(5) and 91(5)

Unedited CRA Tags
91(5), 248(28), 5900(3) of the Regulations and Article XXIX(5) of Canada-US Income Tax Treaty
revocation of a Treaty S Corp. agreement with CASD resulted in double taxation of the S Corp income when now dividended to Canada
S Corp income included as FAPI by virtue of Treaty S Corp. agreement was a separate amount for s. 248(28) purposes from the subsequent dividending of that income
agreement with CASD terminated when S Corp. ceased to be fiscally transparent

Principal Issues: Where an agreement with the Canadian competent authority entered into pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article XXIX provides that a US S Corporation is a controlled foreign affiliate as defined in subsection 95(1) (“CFA”) of an individual, is a deduction from income under subsection 91(5) or any other provision available in respect of a dividend paid after the cancellation of the agreement? In particular, is a deduction available in respect of a dividend paid by a US S corporation where, at the time of the dividend payment, the US S corporation was either i) a CFA of the individual; or ii) not a foreign affiliate as defined in subsection 95(1) of the individual. Would the adjusted cost base (“ACB”) of the shares of the US S corporation to the shareholder be reduced?

Position: In the circumstances, i) the dividend would be deductible and the ACB of the shares would be reduced and ii).

Reasons: i) A deduction under subsection 91(5) would be available as the S corporation is a controlled foreign affiliate of the individual at all times and the dividend paid after the expiry of the agreement is prescribed to have been paid from its taxable surplus under subsection 5900(3) of the Regulations and a corresponding adjustment to the ACB would result from that. ii) A deduction under subsection 91(5) would not be available given that the S corporation is not a foreign affiliate of the individual at the time of the dividend payment and the dividend paid after the expiry of the agreement is not prescribed to have been paid from taxable surplus under subsection 5900(3) of the Regulations, hence the ACB would not be adjusted. Subsection 248(28) would not apply because the FAPI inclusion and the amount of the dividend received.