Income Tax Severed Letters - 2021-05-12


2020 Ruling 2020-0854401R3 - Internal Reorganization 55(3)(a)

Unedited CRA Tags
55(3)(a), 55(3.01)(g) and 55(4)
s. 55(3)(a) spin-off with rep that TC does not intend to dispose of its acquired property
s. 55(3)(a) spin-off that includes a s. 86 exchange of identical shares

Principal Issues: Whether an internal reorganization meets the requirements of paragraph 55(3)(a) and 55(3.01)(g).

Position: Yes

Reasons: Taxpayers’ transaction is consistent with the transaction described in CRA Document 2015-0570021E5.

2020 Ruling 2019-0833091R3 - Supplemental Ruling

Unedited CRA Tags
Subsections 55(2) and 86.1, paragraph 55(3)(b) and subparagraph 55(3.1)(b)(i)

Principal Issues: Changes (the Amendments) to Ruling no.2019-079457 (the Ruling Letter).

Position: Rulings E and G amended.

Reasons: The Amendments affect Rulings E and G.

Technical Interpretation - External

12 March 2021 External T.I. 2020-0867001E5 - RRIF - successive deaths

Unedited CRA Tags
104(6)(a.2), 146.3
full FMV of a RRIF included in the annuitant’s income on death given no payment thereunder to the spousal beneficiary before that survivor’s death
appreciation in RRIF between death and payout to estate of surviving spouse two years later was included in that estate’s income

Principal Issues: Whether an amount paid out of a RRIF to the estate of a surviving spouse can be a designated benefit?

Position: No

Reasons: The amount has to be paid to the surviving spouse while the spouse is alive.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

25 February 2021 Internal T.I. 2020-0865641I7 - Settlement Payments to Registered Plans

Unedited CRA Tags
146, 146.1, 146.2, 146.3, 146.4, “advantage” definition in 207.01(1), 207.05
damages payment received by annuitant is not a benefit if paid over to the RRSP by year end
RDSP damages paid to and retained by the beneficiary would be taxable
advantage if RDSP damages are received by a holder who is not a beneficiary
RESP damages received and retained by the subscriber would be included under s. 146.1(7.1)

Principal Issues: (1) Does the existing CRA position regarding settlement payments made to RRSPs and RRIFs also apply to payments made to TFSAs, RESPs and RDSPs? (2) Whether a settlement payment gives rise to an advantage?

Position: (1) Yes (2) Generally no

Reasons: (1) Surrogatum principle. (2) See below.