Income Tax Severed Letters - 2020-04-22


2018 Ruling 2018-0779201R3 - Variation of Trust Deed

Unedited CRA Tags
248(1) "disposition"

Principal Issues: Whether the variation of the trust deed results in a disposition of the assets of the trust or the disposition of any beneficiary's interest.

Position: No disposition.

Reasons: There is no disposition of the assets of the trust since the terms of the trust allow the trustees to vary the trust deed in the manner proposed. There is no disposition of the beneficiaries' interest as no person becomes or ceases to be a beneficiary and there is not a significant change in the rights of the beneficiaries.

Technical Interpretation - External

3 April 2020 External T.I. 2019-0830101E5 - “Advantage”: promotional incentive exception

Unedited CRA Tags
"advantage" definition in 207.01(1), 207.05
referral bonus is considered to be a premium contributed to the plan
meaning of “broad class of persons in a normal commercial or investment context” and significance of incentive quantum

Principal Issues: Various questions regarding the circumstances in which the exception will apply.

Position: General information and references to the Advantages Folio provided.

Reasons: See below.


14 April 2020 APFF Roundtable Q. 5, 2020-0845431C6 F - Avantage imposable - télétravail / Taxable benefit

Unedited CRA Tags
6(1)a), 6(1)b)
employer reimbursement of up to $500 for the cost of a telework computer is non-taxable during COVID-19

Principales Questions: 1- Est-ce qu’une allocation versée par un employeur à un employé afin de lui permettre de s’équiper pour faire du télétravail est imposable pour l’employé? / Does an allowance paid by the employer to an employee for the purpose of acquiring equipment for teleworking is a taxable benefit for the employee?
2- Est-ce que la réponse est différente si le montant payé par l’employeur est conditionnel à ce qu’une facture soit soumise par l’employé? / Would CRA response be different if the amount paid by the employer is conditional on a proof of purchase being submitted by the employee?

Position Adoptée: 1- Oui / Yes.
2- Ça dépend du contexte, question de fait / It depends, question of fact.

Raisons: 1- Libellé de la Loi. / Wording of the Act.
2- Dans le contexte de la crise de la COVID-19, dans certaines situations, l'ARC est disposée à accepter un remboursement d'un montant n’excédant pas 500 $ pour l'achat d'équipement informatique personnel comme étant principalement au bénéfice de l'employeur / In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, CRA is willing to accept a reimbursement of an amount not exceeding $500 for the purchase of personal computer equipment to be principally for the benefit of the employer.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

2 October 2019 Internal T.I. 2019-0803691I7 - 69(11) - majority interest beneficiary

Unedited CRA Tags
69(11), 108(1), 251.1(1)(g), 251.1(3), 251.1(4)(d)(i), 248(25)(a)
deemed advancement was not sufficient to make a child's interest that of majority-interest beneficiary
suggests that a child likely was not a majority-interest beneficiary as a valuation matter

Principal Issues: Is the Son a "majority-interest beneficiary" of the trust as defined under subsection 251.1(3) at the relevant time?

Position: While it is ultimately a question of fact and valuation, given the information available, Son should not be considered to be a "majority-interest beneficiary" of the trust.

Reasons: Based on the information available, the fair market value of Son's income or capital interests in Father's Estate could not reasonably be considered to be greater than 50% of the FMV of all of the income or capital interests in Father's Estate at the relevant time.