Income Tax Severed Letters - 2013-12-30

Technical Interpretation - External

4 December 2013 External T.I. 2013-0499681E5 - Transitional reserve - tiered partnership

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Can a corporate partner of a top-tier partnership in a multi-tier partnership structure continue to claim a transitional reserve under subsection 34.2(11) in respect of the top-tier partnership after the top-tier partnership has been dissolved?

Position: No.

Reasons: No reserve due to subparagraphs 34.2(13)(a)(i) and 34.2(13)(c)(i). As the transitional reserve under subsection 34.2(11) is claimed in respect of a particular partnership, it cannot be claimed after that partnership ceases to exist.

3 December 2013 External T.I. 2013-0509151E5 - Debt write-off

CRA Tags
80.4, 6(15), 15(1.2), 9, 3, 246, 15(2)

Principal Issues: Is a debt write-off included in income?

Position: Insufficient facts given to make any determination.

Reasons: No facts given.

2 December 2013 External T.I. 2013-0509801E5 - Class 43.2

CRA Tags
ITR Schedule II - Class 43.2

Principal Issues: Whether particular equipment qualifies for inclusion in Class 43.2 such that a purchaser of the equipment would be eligible to claim CCA.

Position: Maybe.

Reasons: If the equipment is described in paragraph (b) of Class 43.2 then it will qualify for inclusion in that class. Whether CCA can be claimed with respect to the equipment will depend on the purchaser's fact situation.

28 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0499631E5 - Child Care Allowances

CRA Tags

Principal Issues: Whether child care allowances provided to employees required to travel on employment-related business are taxable?

Position: See response.

Reasons: Previous positions.

26 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0492411E5 - Union Dues

CRA Tags
8(5)(c), 8(5)(a), 6(1)(j), 8(1)(i)(iv)
recurring union dues to fund union pension plan shortfall

Principal Issues: Whether dues are deductible under 8(1)(i)(iv).

Position: It is a question of fact.

Reasons: In this case likely yes.

26 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0498251E5 - Accumulated unused sick leave payout

CRA Tags
4(1), 3(1), 5(1), 6, 248(1), 56(1)(a)(ii)

Principal Issues: Whether the payment of accumulated sick leave under certain options available in a collective agreement is considered a retiring allowance?

Position: Question of fact. See response.

Reasons: Law and positions taken in previous interpretations.

26 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0496251E5 - Workers compensation payments

CRA Tags
110(1)(f)(ii), ITR 7100, 56(1)(v), ITR 232(2), ITR 232(1)
employer advance against worker compensation award

Principal Issues: 1. Whether workers' compensation benefits awarded by a workers' compensation board (Board), or similar body, is subject to statutory withholdings. 2. Whether supplementary payments made to an employee in excess of a workers' compensation award is considered income. 3. Whether an advance/loan provided to an employee in anticipation of a workers' compensation award is subject to tax. 4. Whether a deemed interest benefit would apply to an advance made to an employee in anticipation of a workers' compensation award. 5. Who is responsible for issuing the T5007?

Position: 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Depends. 4. Depends. 5. Depends.

Reasons: 1. A Board awarded benefit will not be subject to statutory withholdings if it is included in income under 56(1)(v). 2. An amount paid in excess of a Board (or similar body) award is treated as employment income and is subject to income tax and CPP withholdings. 3. Where it can be established that an employee received a loan or advance from his or her employer which is to be repaid from anticipated future Board awards, the loan or advance is not considered income to the employee and is not a deductible expense to the employer. 4. CRA has a long-standing position that we will not consider as a taxable benefit any interest that accumulates on advances/loans while waiting for a Board claim decision. 5. Where a workers' compensation claim is adjudicated by a Board (or similar body), the Board issues the T5007 even if the employer makes the payment to the individual. A self-insured employer should report the workers' compensation benefit on a T5007 only when a Board (or similar body) did not adjudicate the claim for compensation.

21 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0497641E5 - Flow-through shares and stock options

CRA Tags
66(15) "flow-through share", 6202, 6202.1

Principal Issues: In the hypothetical situation provided, 1. what is the employee's taxable benefit and 2. what is the amount of consideration for FTS purposes?

Position: 1. Question of fact and law. 2. Unable to answer as the share issued would be a "prescribed share" for the purposes of the FTS rules.

Reasons: 1. The taxable benefit must be determined in light of the specific factors and the law. 2. Subparagraph 6202.1(2)(b)(iv) of the Regulations.

18 November 2013 External T.I. 2013-0494891E5 - Taxability Scholarship Funds Received by Employees

CRA Tags
5(1), 3, 6(1)(a)
3rd-party scholarships to employees with requirement to return to employment

Principal Issues: Whether scholarship funds received by an employee are taxable as employment income under subsections 5(1) or 6(1) of the Act?

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Previous positions.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

4 December 2013 Internal T.I. 2013-0508751I7 F - Application of subsection 152(1.1) ITA

CRA Tags

Principales Questions: Whether subsection 152(1.1) only applies to a taxation year with respect to which a nil assessment has been issued?

Position Adoptée: No

Raisons: Pursuant to the wording of 152(1.1) the only conditions precedent to the application of this subsection are that: (a) the Minister ascertains the amount of a taxpayer's non-capital loss for a taxation year in an amount that differs from the one reported in the taxpayer's income tax return; and (b) the taxpayer requests that the Minister determine the amount of the loss.