Principal Issues: Whether the operation of the amended subsection 56(3) of the Act, when applied to a non-resident, creates a problem that is circular in nature.
Position: In our view, the problem as described in the operation of the current or the proposed amended subsection 56(3) does not exist. In our view, a non-resident could have an income inclusion of nil pursuant to paragraph 56(1)(n). If as a result, the "all or substantially all" rule in section 118.94 is not met in respect of the taxable income earned in Canada of the non-resident pursuant to section 115, then the non-resident would not be eligible to apply the education credit in subsection 118.6(2). However, if a non-resident has other sources of income in Canada and the "all or substantially all" rule in section 118.94 is met, the non-resident would be eligible to apply the education credit.
Reasons: Reading of the legislation.